A script/library to create, launch and remove an Apache Cassandra cluster on localhost.
The goal of ccm and ccmlib is to make it easy to create, manage and destroy a small Cassandra cluster on a local box. It is meant for testing a Cassandra cluster.
$ ccm create my_cluster --scylla --vnodes -n 3 -v release:2022.2
$ ccm start
# Now wait...
$ ccm status
Cluster: 'my_cluster'
node1: UP
node2: UP
node3: UP
The nodes will be available at, and
$ ccm create my_multi_dc_cluster --scylla --vnodes -n 3:4:5 -v release:2022.2
$ ccm start
# Wait a lot...
Let's say you want to create a cluster of Scylla with build id f6e718548e76ccf3564ed2387b6582ba8d37793c
(it's Scylla 2023.1.0~rc8-20230731.b6f7c5a6910c
- Go to https://backtrace.scylladb.com and find your desired Scylla version
- Click the arrow down symbol (\/) to show all available download links
- Download the unified Scylla package (
) - Create a 3 node cluster:
# The unified package will be extracted to ~/.ccm/scylla-repository/my_custom_scylla
# Make sure that the version name (my_custom_scylla) is different for each unified package you use, otherwise ccm will use the previously extracted version.
ccm create my_cluster -n 3 --scylla --vnodes \
--version my_custom_scylla \
A working python installation (tested to work with python 3.11).
pyYAML (http://pyyaml.org/ --
sudo easy_install pyYaml
) -
ant (http://ant.apache.org/, on Mac OS X,
brew install ant
) -
psutil (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/psutil)
Java (which version depends on the version of Cassandra you plan to use. If unsure, use Java 7 as it is known to work with current versions of Cassandra).
ccm only works on localhost for now. If you want to create multiple node clusters, the simplest way is to use multiple loopback aliases. On modern linux distributions you probably don't need to do anything, but on Mac OS X, you will need to create the aliases with
sudo ifconfig lo0 alias up sudo ifconfig lo0 alias up ...
Note that the usage section assumes that at least, and are available.
Windows only:
node start
pops up a window, stealing focus.- cli and cqlsh started from ccm show incorrect prompts on command-prompt
- non nodetool-based command-line options fail (sstablesplit, scrub, etc)
- cli_session does not accept commands.
- To install psutil, you must use the .msi from pypi. pip install psutil will not work
- You will need ant.bat in your PATH in order to build C* from source
- You must run with an Unrestricted Powershell Execution-Policy if using Cassandra 2.1.0+
- Ant installed via chocolatey will not be found by ccm, so you must create a symbolic
link in order to fix the issue (as administrator):
- cmd /c mklink C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\ant.bat C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\ant.exe
ccm uses python setuptools (with distutils fallback) so from the source directory run:
sudo ./setup.py install
ccm is available on the Python Package Index:
pip install ccm
There is also a Homebrew package available:
brew install ccm
You can also use ccm trough Nix.
Spawn new temporary shell with ccm present, without installing: `nix shell github:scylladb/scylla-ccm`
Install ccm: `nix profile install github:scylladb/scylla-ccm`
To remove / update ccm installed this way, first locate it's index in `nix profile list`.
To remove it, use `nix profile remove <index>`.
To update it use `nix profile upgrade <index>` - or `nix profile upgrade '.*'` to upgrade all Nix packages.
This project features experimental Nix flake. It allows ccm to be used as a dependency in other nix projects or to quickly launch a dev shell with all dependencies required to run and test the project.
- Install Nix: https://nixos.org/download.html - on Fedora you should probably use "Single-user installation", as there are some problems with multi-user due to SELinux.
- Activate required experimental features:
mkdir -p ~/.config/nix
echo "experimental-features = nix-command flakes" >> ~/.config/nix/nix.conf
If you installed Nix in multi-user mode, you will need to restart Nix daemon.
3. First option: using direnv. Install direnv (see: https://direnv.net/docs/installation.html ), cd
into project directory and execute direnv allow .
Now you will have dev env activated whenever you are in a project's directory - and automatically unloaded when you leave it.
4. Second option: use nix develop
command directly. This command will launch a bash session with loaded dev env. If you want to use your favourite shell,
pass --command <shell>
flag to nix develop
(in my case: nix develop --command zsh
If you want to install ccm using Nix, or launch a temporary shell with ccm - see "Installation" section.
Let's say you wanted to fire up a 3 node Cassandra cluster.
ccm create test -v 2.0.5 -n 3 -s
You will of course want to replace 2.0.5
by whichever version of Cassandra
you want to test.
ccm works from a Cassandra source tree (not the jars). There are two ways to tell ccm how to find the sources:
If you have downloaded and compiled Cassandra sources, you can ask ccm to use those by initiating a new cluster with:
ccm create test --install-dir=<path/to/cassandra-sources>
or, from that source tree directory, simply
ccm create test
You can ask ccm to use a released version of Cassandra. For instance to use Cassandra 2.0.5, run
ccm create test -v 2.0.5
ccm will download the binary (from http://archive.apache.org/dist/cassandra), and set the new cluster to use it. This means that this command can take a few minutes the first time you create a cluster for a given version. ccm saves the compiled source in
, so creating a cluster for that version will be much faster the second time you run it (note however that if you create a lot of clusters with different versions, this will take up disk space).
Once the cluster is created, you can populate it with 3 nodes with:
ccm populate -n 3
Note: If you’re running on Mac OSX, create a new interface for every node besides the first, for example if you populated your cluster with 3 nodes, create interfaces for and like so:
sudo ifconfig lo0 alias
sudo ifconfig lo0 alias
Otherwise you will get the following error message:
(...) Inet address is not available: [Errno 48] Address already in use
After that execute:
ccm start
That will start 3 nodes on IP 127.0.0.[1, 2, 3] on port 9160 for thrift, port 7000 for the internal cluster communication and ports 7100, 7200 and 7300 for JMX. You can check that the cluster is correctly set up with
ccm node1 ring
You can then bootstrap a 4th node with
ccm add node4 -i -j 7400 -b
(populate is just a shortcut for adding multiple nodes initially)
ccm provides a number of conveniences, like flushing all of the nodes of the cluster:
ccm flush
or only one node:
ccm node2 flush
You can also easily look at the log file of a given node with:
ccm node1 showlog
Finally, you can get rid of the whole cluster (which will stop the node and remove all the data) with
ccm remove
The list of other provided commands is available through
Each command is then documented through the -h
(or --help
) flag. For
instance ccm add -h
describes the options for ccm add
If you'd like to use a source distribution instead of the default binary each time (for example, for Continuous Integration), you can prefix cassandra version with source:
, for example:
ccm create test -v source:2.0.5 -n 3 -s
If 'binary:' or 'source:' are not explicitly specified in your version string, then ccm will fallback to building the requested version from git if it cannot access the apache mirrors.
To use the latest version from the canonical Apache Git repository, use the version name git:branch-name
, e.g.:
ccm create trunk -v git:trunk -n 5
and to download a branch from a GitHub fork of Cassandra, you can prefix the repository and branch with github:
, e.g.:
ccm create patched -v github:jbellis/trunk -n 1
If you would like to connect to your Cassandra nodes with a remote debugger you have to pass the -d
(or --debug
) flag to the populate command:
ccm populate -d -n 3
That will populate 3 nodes on IP 127.0.0.[1, 2, 3] setting up the remote debugging on ports 2100, 2200 and 2300. The main thread will not be suspended so you don't have to connect with a remote debugger to start a node.
Alternatively you can also specify a remote port with the -r
(or --remote-debug-port
) flag while adding a node
ccm add node4 -r 5005 -i -j 7400 -b
By default, ccm stores all the node data and configuration files under ~/.ccm/cluster_name/
This can be overridden using the --config-dir
option with each command.
CCM 2.0 supports creating and interacting with DSE clusters. The --dse
option must be used with the ccm create
command. See the ccm create -h
help for assistance.
The ccm facilities are available programmatically through ccmlib. This could be used to implement automated tests again Cassandra. A simple example of how to use ccmlib follows:
import ccmlib
cluster = ccmlib.Cluster(CLUSTER_PATH, 'test', cassandra_version='2.0.5')
[node1, node2, node3] = cluster.nodelist()
# do some tests on the cluster/nodes. To connect to a node through thrift,
# the host and port to a node is available through
# node.network_interfaces['thrift']
# do some other tests
# after the test, you can leave the cluster running, you can stop all nodes
# using cluster.stop() but keep the data around (in CLUSTER_PATH/test), or
# you can remove everything with cluster.remove()
-- Sylvain Lebresne [email protected]