A TiddlyWiki/TiddlyBob configured to work collaboratively through git. I did it for my personal use case, and it is probably not the correct way to do it, but feel free to try it or to take some parts of it as an inspiration. The goal is to have a button inside the Wiki that you can click to commit and push your changes and which take care of conflicts.
First any conflicts on these fields will simply be ignored: "modified", "created", "nouvelle-tache", "fields-to-show", "date-start", "date-start-temp", "days-count", "days-count-temp", "show-day-record". (see tiddly-merge.py) The goal is to avoid useless conflicts for unimportant field (in particular the field "modified") Then, any tiddler with remaining conflicts will be duplicated (one for each version), with added link at the bottom in each one referencing the other one, they will also be tagged with the GitConflit tag. You can then simply remove/edit these tiddlers before commiting/pushing again with the GitHub button.
Some particular tiddlers are also completely ignored, see the .gitignore file.
Preferred way :
git clone https://github.com/dionisos2/tiddlygit.git
Then modify tiddlygit/.git/config to change the remote link.
Fork https://github.com/dionisos2/tiddlygit on GitHub
Then git clone your_fork
cd tiddlygit
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" && ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa # This is used so you don't have to go in the console each time you commit to write your passphrase.
Then open http://localhost:7070/ in a WebBrowser. (you can change the port in Wikis/BobWiki/settings/settings.json)
Then you can click the button with a GitHub icon to synchronize your work with the remote repository (you should reload the browser page after doing it to get the last modifications).