Direct Code Execution (DCE) is a framework for ns-3 that provides facilities to execute, within ns-3, existing implementations of userspace and kernelspace network protocols or applications without source code changes. For example, instead of using ns-3’s implementation of a ping-like application, you can use the real ping application. You can also use the Linux networking stack in simulations.
More explanation available on:
In case you have a question, you should first refer to the documentation:
- A manual is available at
And look for answers on the ns3 mailing list!forum/ns-3-users.
Development is done on github and bugs should be filed at
The mailing list used to discuss internals is the same as ns3's:
DCE is available under the GPLv2 license. A copy is available in the repository.
- Network Simulation Cradle (Not maintained anymore)
- VMSimInt