A cross platform Ruby interface for getting file system information.
gem install sys-filesystem
gem cert --add <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/djberg96/sys-filesystem/main/certs/djberg96_pub.pem)
require 'sys/filesystem'
include Sys
# Display information about a particular filesystem.
p Filesystem.stat('/')
# Sample output
@base_type = "ufs",
@flags = 4,
@files_available = 3817457,
@block_size = 8192,
@blocks_available = 19957633,
@blocks = 34349612,
@name_max = 255,
@path = "/",
@filesystem_id = 35651592,
@files = 4135040,
@fragment_size = 1024,
@files_free = 3817457,
@blocks_free = 20301129
# Describe all mount points on the system
Filesystem.mounts{ |mount| p mount }
# Find the mount point of any particular file
puts Filesystem.mount_point('/home/djberge/some_file.txt') => '/home'
This is a pure Ruby implementation that uses FFI. This means it should work with JRuby, too.
Run 'rake example' if you want to see a basic sample run. The actual code is 'example_stat.rb' in the 'examples' directory. Modify it as you see fit.
Currently this may not work if you're running a 32-bit system with 64-bit offsets:
Please report any other issues on the project home page at:
- Suggestions welcome.
- Mike Hall, for ideas and code that I borrowed from his 'filesystem' library.
- Park Heesob, for implementation and API ideas for the MS Windows version.
- Nobuyoshi Miyokawa, for adding the original FreeBSD and OS X support.
(C) 2003-2024 Daniel J. Berger All Rights Reserved
This library is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Daniel J. Berger