Releases: djsudduth/joplin-plugin-paragraph-extractor
Releases · djsudduth/joplin-plugin-paragraph-extractor
Version 1.2.1
Version 1.2.0
- Fixed note refresh deleting the metadata bug if using the rich text editor
Version 1.1.9
- Fixed production release
- Added settings, metadata and menu option to refresh the extracted paragraphs from the source notes if any have changed
- Fixed backlink to parent note settings bug if the full note text is extracted using the keyword at the end of the note
Version 1.1.8
- Added settings, metadata and menu option to refresh the extracted paragraphs from the source notes if any have changed
- Fixed backlink to parent note settings bug if the full note text is extracted using the keyword at the end of the note
Version 1.1.6
- Added settings, metadata and menu option to refresh the extracted paragraphs from the source notes if any have changed
- Fixed backlink to parent note settings bug if the full note text is extracted using the keyword at the end of the note
Version 1.1.5
- Added option to have backlinks to the parent note embedded at the end of each extracted paragraph
- Fixed extra carriage return issues
Version 1.1.4
- Fixed the collapse of bulleted notes if the keyword or hashtagged keyword is extracted from the note content and moved to an end tag
- Added an extra carriage return between extracted paragraph sections if the note titles are included for better separation
Version 1.1.3
- Added functionality to extract the entire note if the hash tag is the last paragraph and the only text. Multiple hashtags can be in the last paragraph - but not general note text.
Version 1.1.2
- Changed extractor dialog label from 'name' to 'keyword'
- Added option for combined, extracted paragraphs to title note with the tag keyword - similar to Logseq block linked references
Version 1.1.1
Simple fix to version numbers. See release notes 1.1.0 for functional changes.