This is a Transloadit module for iOS originally developed by David Knell (not affiliated with Transloadit). The module currently supports files referenced by path (String) or TiBlob (as returned by Titanium's Ti.Media.openPhotoGallery or Ti.Media.showCamera). It also has a method to open a generic photo gallery to allow the user to select a photo to upload.
Transloadit is a one-stop-shop for all file upload and encoding tasks. By utilizing templates, Transloadit provides an extremely powerful and flexible "robotic assembly line" for media. The templates also make it very convenient to make changes to your conversion tasks without updating you app code - it's all done on their servers!
Add the module to the tiapp.xml file:
<module platform="iphone" version="0.1">ti.transloadit</module>
To access this module from JavaScript, you would do the following:
var transloadit = require("ti.transloadit").createClient({
authkey: "<<YOUR_AUTH_KEY>>",
authsecret: "<<YOUR_AUTH_SECRET>>"
The transloadit variable is a reference to the TiTransloaditClient object. This will be used for all subsequent API calls.
Takes one argument, an object that contains the following parameters:
authkey * (string) Your Auth Key from the credentials page
authsecret * (string) Your Auth Secret from the credentials page
This returns a client object that will be used for all subsequent API calls. See app.js for an example...
Takes one argument, an object that contains the following parameters:
file * (string | TiBlob) A path or TiBlob to be uploaded
filename * (string) The filename for the uplaoded file
type * (string) The MIME type (ie. image/jpeg)
templateId * (string) The Template ID from the templates page
params (object) Allows you to pass in additional assembly logic - see the passing fields and variables page
onload (function) The callback function that is called when upload is complete
onerror (function) The callback function that is called if error occurs
onsendstream (function) The callback function that is called during upload stream
Takes one argument, an object that contains the following parameters:
templateId * (string) The Template ID from the templates page
params (object) Allows you to pass in additional assembly logic - see the passing fields and variables page
onload (function) The callback function that is called when upload is complete
onerror (function) The callback function that is called if error occurs
onsendstream (function) The callback function that is called during upload stream
See the included example app.js
David Knell (Twitter: dknell)
Apache Public License 2.0