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dokku-daemon Travis branch

A daemon wrapper around Dokku


A VM running Ubuntu 14.04 x64 or later with Dokku v0.4.9 or above installed


As a user with access to sudo:

git clone
cd dokku-daemon
sudo make install

Debian Notes

As a user with access to sudo:

git clone
cd dokku-daemon
sudo apt-get install socat
sudo make install


  • Daemon listens on a UNIX domain socket (by default created at /var/run/dokku-daemon/dokku-daemon.sock)
  • Commands issued to the daemon take the same form as those used with dokku on the command-line
  • Command names are validated before execution
  • Responses are sent as line-delimited JSON
  • No authentication layer (local/container connections only)
  • Multiple client connections are supported but only one command will be processed at a given time


Start the service:

systemctl start dokku-daemon

Use socat to connect to the socket:

socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/var/run/dokku-daemon/dokku-daemon.sock

Example command and response:

< apps:create python-app
> {"ok":true,"output":"Creating python-app... done"}

Usage within a Dokku app

To use this within a Dokku app named python-app, you would need to mount the socket:

dokku storage:mount python-app-app /var/run/dokku-daemon/dokku-daemon.sock:/var/run/dokku-daemon/dokku-daemon.sock

At this point, a command can be written to the mounted socket within your application. The following is some sample python code that would create an app named example-app:

import os
import subprocess

def run_command(command, timeout=60):
    daemon_socket = '/var/run/dokku-daemon/dokku-daemon.sock'
    if not os.path.exists(daemon_socket) or not os.access(daemon_socket, os.W_OK):
        return False

    subprocess_command = [
        '-q', '2',            # time to wait after eof
        '-w', '2',            # timeout
        '-U', daemon_socket,  # socket to talk to

    ps = subprocess.Popen(['echo', command], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    output = None

    with subprocess.Popen(
            preexec_fn=os.setsid) as process:
            output = process.communicate(timeout=timeout)[0]
        except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
            os.killpg(, signal.SIGINT)  # send signal to the process group
            output = process.communicate()[0]

    return ps.returncode == 0

run_command("apps:create example-app")


A development environment can be started with the provided Vagrantfile. To start the box and run the test suite:

# on development machine
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

# over vagrant ssh session
cd /dokku-daemon
make test

The executable and init scripts are symlinked to their respective directories rather than copied. To test using Systemd, start Vagrant with environment variable BOX_NAME set to bento/ubuntu-15.04.


MIT License