Spree 1.2 has a fantastic pluggable authentication system. This gem configures Spree to use the built in (Devise) authentication in RefineryCMS, and allows you to share authentication between the two engines.
Create a new RefineryCMS application:
gem install refinerycms
refinerycms refinery_spree
Add Spree and this gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'spree', '~> 1.2.0'
gem 'spree-refinerycms-authentication', :git => 'git://github.com/adrianmacneil/spree-refinery-authentication.git'
Run bundler, then install Spree
rails g spree:install
Note: The Spree installer will automatically copy and run a migration from this gem. If you want to copy the migration manually, you can use the following command:
rake railties:install:migrations FROM=spree_refinery_authentication
Optionally put this line at the top of config/routes.rb to use RefineryCMS for your home page:
root :to => "refinery/pages#home"
Start your application, and create a RefineryCMS user. You can then make yourself a Spree admin using the Rails console:
rails console
> Refinery::User.first.spree_roles << Spree::Role.find_or_create_by_name("admin")
All done! You should now be able to access Refinery at http://localhost:3000/refinery and Spree at http://localhost:3000/admin.