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WebSharper Touch Events API Binding

This repository provides an F# WebSharper binding for the Touch Events API, enabling seamless handling of touch interactions in WebSharper applications.

Repository Structure

The repository consists of two main projects:

  1. Binding Project:

    • Contains the F# WebSharper binding for the Touch Events API.
  2. Sample Project:

    • Demonstrates how to use the Touch Events API with WebSharper syntax.


  • WebSharper bindings for the Touch Events API.
  • Easy integration of touch-based interactions in F# web applications.
  • Example usage for implementing multi-touch gestures, drag-and-drop, and more.

Installation and Building



  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd TouchEvents
  2. Build the Binding Project:

    dotnet build WebSharper.TouchEvents/WebSharper.TouchEvents.fsproj
  3. Build and Run the Sample Project:

    cd WebSharper.TouchEvents.Sample
    dotnet build
    dotnet run
  4. Open the sample project in your browser to see it in action.

Why Use the Touch Events API

The Touch Events API enables developers to:

  1. Enhance User Interactions: Support touch-based devices for improved user experience.
  2. Implement Complex Gestures: Build multi-touch interactions such as pinch, zoom, and swipe.
  3. Create Mobile-Friendly Apps: Optimize applications for touch-first devices like smartphones and tablets.

Integrating the Touch Events API with WebSharper allows F# developers to create interactive and mobile-friendly applications seamlessly.

How to Use the Touch Events API

Example Usage

Below is an example of how to use the Touch Events API in a WebSharper project for handling touch interactions:

open WebSharper
open WebSharper.JavaScript
open WebSharper.UI
open WebSharper.UI.Notation
open WebSharper.UI.Client
open WebSharper.UI.Templating
open WebSharper.TouchEvents

// The templates are loaded from the DOM, so you just can edit index.html
// and refresh your browser, no need to recompile unless you add or remove holes.
type IndexTemplate = Template<"wwwroot/index.html", ClientLoad.FromDocument>

module Client =
    let offsetX = Var.Create 0.0 // Offset between touch point and box center (X)
    let offsetY = Var.Create  0.0 // Offset between touch point and box center (Y)

    let attachTouchEvents () =
        let touchBox = JS.Document.GetElementById("touchBox") |> As<HTMLElement>
        let status = JS.Document.GetElementById("status") |> As<HTMLElement>

        // Handle touchstart event
        touchBox.AddEventListener("touchstart", fun (e: Dom.Event) ->
            let touchEvent = As<TouchEvent>(e)
            let touch = touchEvent.Touches.[0] // Get the first touch point
            let rect = touchBox.GetBoundingClientRect()

            // Calculate the offset between the touch point and the box's position
            offsetX := touch.ClientX - rect.Left
            offsetY := touch.ClientY - rect.Top

            status.TextContent <- "Touch started!"

        // Handle touchmove event
        touchBox.AddEventListener("touchmove", fun (e: Dom.Event) ->
            let touchEvent = As<TouchEvent>(e)
            e.PreventDefault() // Prevent scrolling or default touch behavior

            let touch = touchEvent.Touches.[0] // Get the first touch point

            // Update the position of the box dynamically
            touchBox.Style.SetProperty("left", sprintf "%fpx" (touch.ClientX - offsetX.Value))
            touchBox.Style.SetProperty("top", sprintf "%fpx" (touch.ClientY - offsetY.Value))

            status.TextContent <- sprintf "Moving to: (%f, %f)" touch.ClientX touch.ClientY

        // Handle touchend event
        touchBox.AddEventListener("touchend", fun (_: Dom.Event) ->
            status.TextContent <- "Touch ended!"

    let Main () =

            // Attach touch event handlers to the elements when the page loads
            .TouchInit(fun () ->
                attachTouchEvents() // Call the function to set up touch event listeners
        |> Doc.RunById "main"

This example demonstrates how to handle basic touch interactions such as touchstart, touchmove, and touchend.