- Annie Meng
- Arman Tokanov
- Ben Sandler
- Brandon Obas
- Daniel Zhang
- Elizabeth Hamp
- Hana Pearlman
- Katie Jiang
- Kyle Rosenbluth
- Natasha Narang
- Rani Iyer
- Sanjay Subramanian
- Stephanie Shi
- Veronica Wharton
A generalized Flask application for displaying location-based resources on a map.
If you have not yet done so, visit maps4all.org and create an account. This will guide you through the creation of your Heroku account and the installation of the Heroku tools.
To develop locally on Windows 10, we (@sbue and myself, independently) used Windows Subsystem for Linux and additionally installed Heroku CLI in Ubuntu terminal and deployed with the client. This runs the app on Heroku servers, but you can run it locally too.
Check https://superuser.com/questions/1083962/windows-linux-subsystem-accessing-files-outside-of-ubuntu to see how you can deal with the fact that Windows' "subsystem for Linux" doesn't work very well when you edit files the Linux subsystem will use directly from Windows. It's best to go through the bash shell to create or edit files.
$ git clone https://github.com/hack4impact/maps4all.git
$ cd maps4all
$ pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(If you're on a mac) Make sure xcode tools are installed
$ xcode-select --install
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
You need to install Foreman and Redis. Chances are, these commands will work:
$ gem install foreman
For Mac (using homebrew):
$ brew install redis
For Linux (Fedora)
$ sudo dnf install redis
For Linux (Debian/Ubuntu):
$ sudo apt-get install redis-server
If you don't want to install redis locally, you can use Redis container with docker
$ docker pull redis:latest
$ docker run -d -p 6379:6379 --name maps4all-redis redis:latest
Create a .env
file in your directory and include the following variables:
allow you to login as an administrator to Maps4All on your local machine.FILEPICKER_API_KEY
is an API key which you can obtain here.MAIL_PASSWORD
are your login credentials for Sendgrid.GOOGLE_API_KEY
are API keys for Google maps. They can be obtained here.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID
allow you to use the Twilio API to send text messages. They can be obtained through the Twilio console.
Your .env
file should look something like this:
[email protected]
$ python manage.py recreate_db
$ python manage.py setup_dev
$ python manage.py add_fake_data
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ honcho start -f Local
Then navigate to http://localhost:5000
on your preferred browser to open the web app.
??? Procfile
??? README.md
??? app
? ??? __init__.py
? ??? account
? ? ??? __init__.py
? ? ??? forms.py
? ? ??? views.py
? ??? admin
? ? ??? __init__.py
? ? ??? forms.py
? ? ??? views.py
? ??? assets
? ? ??? scripts
? ? ? ??? app.js
? ? ? ??? vendor
? ? ? ??? jquery.min.js
? ? ? ??? semantic.min.js
? ? ? ??? tablesort.min.js
? ? ??? styles
? ? ??? app.scss
? ? ??? vendor
? ? ??? semantic.min.css
? ??? assets.py
? ??? decorators.py
? ??? email.py
? ??? main
? ? ??? __init__.py
? ? ??? errors.py
? ? ??? forms.py
? ? ??? views.py
? ??? models.py
? ??? static
? ? ??? fonts
? ? ? ??? vendor
? ? ??? images
? ? ??? styles
? ? ??? app.css
? ??? templates
? ? ??? account
? ? ? ??? email
? ? ? ??? login.html
? ? ? ??? manage.html
? ? ? ??? register.html
? ? ? ??? reset_password.html
? ? ? ??? unconfirmed.html
? ? ??? admin
? ? ? ??? index.html
? ? ? ??? manage_user.html
? ? ? ??? new_user.html
? ? ? ??? registered_users.html
? ? ??? errors
? ? ??? layouts
? ? ? ??? base.html
? ? ??? macros
? ? ? ??? form_macros.html
? ? ? ??? nav_macros.html
? ? ??? main
? ? ? ??? index.html
? ? ??? partials
? ? ??? _flashes.html
? ? ??? _head.html
? ??? utils.py
??? config.py
??? manage.py
??? requirements
? ??? common.txt
? ??? dev.txt
??? tests
??? test_basics.py
??? test_user_model.py