A basic example of using Google Auth in a Phoenix App.
As developers we are always learning new things. When we learn, we love having detailed docs and examples that explain exactly how to get up-and-running. We write examples because we want them ourselves, if you find them useful, please ⭐ the repo to let us know.
This project is intended as a barebones demonstration
of using
to add support for "Sign-in with Google" to any Phoenix Application.
This demos is intended for people of all Elixir/Phoenix skill levels. Anyone who wants the "Sign-in with Google" functionality without the extra steps to configure a whole auth framework.
Following all the steps in this example should take around 10 minutes. However if you get stuck, please don't suffer in silence! Get help by opening an issue: https://github.com/dwyl/elixir-auth-google/issues
This example follows the step-by-instructions in the docs github.com/dwyl/elixir-auth-google
Create a new project if you don't already have one:
If you're adding
to an existing app, you can skip this step.
Just make sure your app is in a known working state before proceeding.
mix phx.new app -no-assets --no-ecto --no-dashboard --no-gettext --no-live --no-mailer
We don't need a static asset compilation, database, dashboard, translation,
or email for this demo. But we know they work fine because we are using this package in ourApp
in production.
If prompted to install dependencies Fetch and install dependencies? [Yn]
Type y
and hit the [Enter]
key to install.
You should see something like this:
* running mix deps.get
Make sure that everything works before proceeding:
mix test
You should see:
Generated app app
Finished in 0.02 seconds
3 tests, 0 failures
The default tests pass and you know phoenix is compiling.
Run the web application:
mix phx.server
and visit the endpoint in your web browser: http://localhost:4000/
Open your mix.exs
file and add the following line to your deps
def deps do
{:elixir_auth_google, "~> 1.6.5"}
Run the mix deps.get
command to download.
Create your Google App and download the API keys
by follow the instructions in:
By the end of this step you should have these two environment variables defined:
⚠️ Don't worry, these keys aren't valid. They are just here for illustration purposes.
We need to create two files in order to handle the requests to the Google Auth API and display data to people using our app.
In order to process and display the data returned by the Google OAuth2 API,
we need to create a new controller
Create a new file called
and add the following code:
defmodule AppWeb.GoogleAuthController do
use AppWeb, :controller
@doc """
`index/2` handles the callback from Google Auth API redirect.
def index(conn, %{"code" => code}) do
{:ok, token} = ElixirAuthGoogle.get_token(code, conn)
{:ok, profile} = ElixirAuthGoogle.get_user_profile(token.access_token)
|> put_view(AppWeb.PageView)
|> render(:welcome, profile: profile)
This code does 3 things:
- Create a one-time auth token based on the response
sent by Google after the person authenticates. - Request the person's profile data from Google based on the
- Render a
view displaying some profile data to confirm that login with Google was successful.
Note: we are placing the
template in thetemplate/page
directory to save having to create any more directories and view files. You are free to organise your code however you prefer.
Create a new file with the following path:
And type (or paste) the following code in it:
<section class="phx-hero">
<h1> Welcome <%= @profile.given_name %>!
<img width="32px" src="<%= @profile.picture %>" />
<p> You are <strong>signed in</strong>
with your <strong>Google Account</strong> <br />
<strong style="color:teal;"><%= @profile.email %></strong>
The Google Auth API get_profile
returns profile data in the following format:
email: "[email protected]",
email_verified: true,
family_name: "Co",
given_name: "Nelson",
locale: "en",
name: "Nelson Co",
picture: "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AAuE7mApnYb260YC1JY7",
sub: "940732358705212133793"
You can use this data however you see fit. (obviously treat it with respect, only store what you need and keep it secure)
Open your lib/app_web/router.ex
and locate the section that looks like scope "/", AppWeb do
Add the following line:
get "/auth/google/callback", GoogleAuthController, :index
That will direct the API request response
to the GoogleAuthController
function we defined above.
In order to display the "Sign-in with Google" button in the UI, we need to generate the URL for the button in the relevant controller, and pass it to the template.
Open the lib/app_web/controllers/page_controller.ex
and update the index
def index(conn, _params) do
render(conn, "index.html")
def index(conn, _params) do
oauth_google_url = ElixirAuthGoogle.generate_oauth_url(conn)
render(conn, "index.html",[oauth_google_url: oauth_google_url])
Open the /lib/app_web/templates/page/index.html.eex
and type the following code:
<section class="phx-hero">
<h1>Welcome to Awesome App!</h1>
<p>To get started, login to your Google Account: <p>
<a href={@oauth_google_url}>
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/Kagbzkq.png" alt="Sign in with Google" />
The home page of the app now has a big "Sign in with Google" button:
Once the person completes their authentication with Google, they should see the following welcome message:
To test the GoogleAuthController
create a new file with the path:
And add the following code:
defmodule AppWeb.GoogleAuthControllerTest do
use AppWeb.ConnCase
test "google_handler/2 for google auth callback", %{conn: conn} do
conn = get(conn, "/auth/google/callback", %{code: "234"})
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "[email protected]"
Next, open the
file and add the following lines:
config :elixir_auth_google,
client_id: "631770888008-6n0oruvsm16kbkqg6u76p5cv5kfkcekt.apps.googleusercontent.com",
client_secret: "MHxv6-RGF5nheXnxh1b0LNDq",
httpoison_mock: true
These lines of config ensure that
the HTTPoisonMock
version of elixir_auth_google
will be used when MIX_ENV=test
So the code will be covered in tests
but the HTTP
requests are mocked.
When you run the tests, they should pass:
mix test
Finished in 0.06 seconds (0.03s async, 0.03s sync)
4 tests, 0 failures
Randomized with seed 847344
And if you run the tests with coverage tracking, e.g:
mix c
You should see:
Compiling 3 files (.ex)
Generated app app
Finished in 0.05 seconds (0.03s async, 0.02s sync)
4 tests, 0 failures
Randomized with seed 44511
100.0% lib/app_web/controllers/google_auth_cont 15 3 0
100.0% lib/app_web/controllers/page_controller. 8 2 0
100.0% lib/app_web/router.ex 18 3 0
100.0% lib/app_web/views/error_view.ex 16 1 0
[TOTAL] 100.0%
And with that, we're done with the demo. ✅
If you still have questions, please open an issue: dwyl/elixir-auth-google/issues
Deploying this demo app to Fly.io
is very easy.
Simply follow the official Elixir
Getting Started guide:
fly launch
Speed through the prompts to create the App and then add the add the 3 required environment variables:
fly secrets set GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=868803175225-65qvrdfvi053p227mt.apps.googleusercontent.com
fly secrets set SECRET_KEY_BASE=q1qDhNOFQk45a1Fb/eaSyWb77sd2a8jQ109oAwLkje7GDOBTBf53lgoSKHzAsEc1
Note: none of these keys are valid. They are just for illustration purposes. Follow the instructions: dwyl/elixir-auth-google/blob/main/create-google-app-guide.md to get your Google App keys.
Refer to the
in this demo project
if you need an example.
Recommended reading: "Deploying with Releases" hexdocs.pm/phoenix/releases.html
For Continuous Deployment to Fly.io, read: fly.io/docs/app-guides/continuous-deployment-with-github-actions