This is the registration system for a event called "meet&eat".
This is a python Flask application and a set of helper tools
for retrieving and transforming the data. The easiest way to
get it running is to use a virtualenv
and install all the
requirements frim the requirements.txt
$ git clone
$ mkdir -p ~/.virtualenvs
$ virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/meet-and-eat-registration-system
$ . ~/.virtualenvs/meet-and-eat-registration-system/bin/activate
$ pip install -r meet-and-eat-registration-system/requirements.txt
Then you can chdir into the src
directory and start the
debug webserver or call the helper scripts:
$ . ~/.virtualenvs/meet-and-eat-registration-system/bin/activate
$ cd meet-and-eat-registration-system/src
$ ./
You need a configuration to run the application and many of the
helpers. A example config is provided. Simply copy the file
i and change the values you need.
NOTE: You should at least set the password, SECRET_KEY and the MAPQUEST_KEY. The mapquest stuff is needed to get the distances between the locations. You can register your own app key at
To deploy this you can use the uwsgi that is installed in the virtualenv and put it behind a reverse proxy. The deployment at "meet&eat" for example have a uwsg.ini:
http-socket =
spooler = ./spool
import = webapp.tasks
pythonpath = src
module = webapp:app
workers = 4
threads = 3
harakiri = 30
master = true
static-map = /static=src/webapp/static
touch-reload = uwsgi.ini
And a apache config:
ProxyPass /meetandeat/register http://localhost:5000/register
<Location /meetandeat/register>
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:5000/register
RequestHeader set X_SCRIPT_NAME /meetandeat
There is a dockerfile provided that can be used for easy running. It needs a working configuratiin and a data directory. The data directory is mounted to /data within the container. So make sure that your database is within that path.
$ docker run -v <my-cfg>:/config.yaml -v <data-dir>:/data <image-name>