- Make sure to install @ngrx/store and @ngrx/effects from npm if you wish to plug in the State management features.
- Run npm install ** --save 4sure/dynamic-loader **
- Include 'DynamicLoaderModule' in main App Module.
- Include 'dynamicModuleReducer' in the ActionReducerMap for the 'StoreModule.forRoot()' function.
- Include 'ModulesEffect' in the 'EffectsModule.forRoot()' function.
- Import and include 'ModuleLoaderService' in the providers array of your App Module.
Create your directives and make sure each one of them implements 'GenericHostDirective'.
Inject 'ViewContainerRef' from angular/core into the constructor of each of your directives as normal.
Create a ViewChild reference of your directive in the component where it will be used.
Place the directive on the DOM Element / Host
Dispatch Actions as this: ** this.store.dispatch(new moduleActions.LoadDyamicModule({module: TwoModule, host: this.host})); **
export class AppComponent {
@ViewChild(ShowMeDirective) host: ShowMeDirective;
@ViewChild(TalkDirective) talkHost: TalkDirective;
private store: Store<fromModuleLoader.ModuleLoaderState>
loadOne() {
this.store.dispatch(new moduleActions.LoadDyamicModule({module: TwoModule, host: this.host}));
this.store.dispatch(new moduleActions.LoadDyamicModule({module: OneModule, host: this.talkHost}));
loadTwo() {
this.store.dispatch(new moduleActions.LoadDyamicModule({module: OneModule, host: this.host}));
this.store.dispatch(new moduleActions.LoadDyamicModule({module: TwoModule, host: this.talkHost}));
<button (click)="loadOne()">Load One</button>
<button (click)="loadTwo()">Load Two</button>
<ng-template show-me></ng-template>
<div talk-now></div>