This user-mode driver
- provides FC LLD module to be included with Storage Performance Development Kit (SPDK).
- based on the configuration options, following Broadcom/Emulex devices are supported,
- Emulex Corporation LPe37000/LPe38000 Series 32Gb/64Gb Fibre Channel Adapter
- Emulex Corporation LPe35000/LPe36000 Series 32Gb/64Gb Fibre Channel Adapter
- Emulex Corporation LPe31000/LPe32000 Series 16Gb/32Gb Fibre Channel Adapter
git clone spdk
git clone fc
cd spdk
git submodule update --init
./configure --without-fc
make -j$(nproc)
cd ../fc
make -j$(nproc) DPDK_DIR=../spdk/dpdk/build SPDK_DIR=../spdk
cd ../spdk
./configure --with-fc=../fc/build
make -j$(nproc)
Boot the kernel with Intel io_mmu enabled. Set grub boot option "intel_iommu=on" and reboot.
grubby --args=intel_iommu=on --update-kernel /boot/<vmlinux-bootable-image>
A sample script, '' is provided to demonstrate the steps to unbind the default kernel drivers such as 'lpfc' and 'ocs_fc_ramd' and assign the adapters to 'vfio-pci' module. The 'vfio-pci' kernel module binding is necessary for the user mode driver to claim adapter.
From the fc folder, run to start the SPDK target.
A second script, '' is included to demonstrate FC transport creation and assigning the FC listen address (based on FC port's WWPN/WWNN) to nvme subsystem operations.
From a different terminal, run after editing the file appropriately to load the nvmf_tgt app.