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Simple Helm Plugin - SHelm

This plugin enables packaging and publishing Helm Charts from SBT. It offers support for OCI registries and enables the validation of Charts during the build process.

  1. Build-Time Chart Management
    Fully manage Chart during build-time, enables adding "external" configuration files.
    Helm has long-standing issue about addition of external files into Helm Charts.
    This plugin "kind of" addresses this issue.
    It allows users to add any additional files to the Helm Chart without imposing security issues raised in the aforementioned ticket. The additional files are accessible only during build time and packaged into Chart.

  2. Chart Publishing
    SHelm supports the publishing of Charts to Helm repositories.
    It is compatible with OCI-based registries, Chart Museum (utilizing an dedicated HTTP client, eliminating the need for cm-plugin), and 'ivy-style' repositories such as Artifactory.

  3. Chart Linting
    Starting from SHelm 0.8.0, users can utilize a strict linter and lint against a provided Kubernetes version.
    This feature enhances the development process by identifying potential issues early on.


See Changelog for compatibility and upgrade instructions.

Description of main introduced tasks


command description
Helm / packagesBin lints and creates Helm Chart
Helm / lint lints Helm Chart. Strict lint requires Helm version >= 3.14
Helm / prepare copies Chart directory into target/chartName directory with all configured dependencies
Helm / setupRegistries login to OCI registries and adds Helm repositories configured with Helm / repositories setting. Adding existing repository multiple times is considered a safe operation. However, the https://repo/stable and https://repo/stable/ are different URLs and cannot be added under same name
Helm / updateRepositories performs helm repo update
Helm / publish Publishes the Chart into configured repository


command description
Helm / publish publishes Charts into configured Helm / publishToHosting registries/repositories


Helm 3 binary is required.
OCI registries are supported starting 3.8.
Linter against given Kubernetes version is supported starting with 3.14.


Refer to tests for complete examples

Add shelm plugin to project:

addSbtPlugin("com.kiemlicz" % "shelm" % "0.8.1")

Check tags for latest available version.

1. Create Chart from the local directory.


lazy val root = (project in file("."))
    version := "0.1",
    scalaVersion := "2.13.3",
    Helm / chartSettings := Seq(
        chartLocation = ChartLocation.Local(ChartName("includes-chart"), file("includes-chart")),
    Helm / chartMappings := { s =>
        destination = target.value,
        chartUpdate = _.copy(version = ""),
        includeFiles = Seq(
          file("config") -> "config",
          file("secrets") -> "secrets",
          file("config2/single.conf") -> "config/single.conf",
        yamlsToMerge = Seq(
          file("values.yaml") -> "values.yaml"

sbt> Helm / packagesBin creates: projectRoot/target/, which contains config, config2 and secrets dirs. Additionally, the values.yaml from Chart's directory will be merged with values.yaml present in project root.

2. Create Chart which is in the already added Helm repository (re-pack).


lazy val root = (project in file("."))
    version := "0.1",
    scalaVersion := "2.13.3",
    target in Helm := target.value / "nestTarget",
    Helm / shouldUpdateRepositories := true,
    Helm / chartSettings := Seq(
        chartLocation = ChartLocation.AddedRepository(ChartName("redis"), ChartRepositoryName("stable"), Some("10.5.7")),
    Helm / chartMappings := { s =>
        destination = target.value / "someExtraDir",
        chartUpdate = c => c.copy(version = s"${c.version}+extraMetaData"),
        includeFiles = Seq(
          file("extraConfig") -> "extraConfig"
        valueOverrides = _ => Seq(
              "nameOverride" -> Json.fromString("testNameRedis"),
        fatalLint = false

sbt> Helm / packagesBin creates: projectRoot/target/someExtraDir/redis-10.5.7+extraMetaData.tgz, the downloaded and unpacked Chart can be found: projectRoot/target/nestTarget/redis. The re-packed Redis Chart will contain extraConfig and nameOverride key set in values.yaml

It is also possible to use direct URI for Chart: ChartLocation.Remote(URI.create(""))
or not helm repo add'ed repository: ChartLocation.RemoteRepository("thename", URI.create(""), ChartRepositorySettings.NoAuth, Some("2.1.3"))

3. Publish Chart

Additionally to Helm / chartSettings and Helm / chartMappings, specify the repository.

OCI registry

SHelm can handle OCI registry login, or it can be left to user (Helm/registriesLoginEnabled)


Helm / publishToHosting := Seq(OciChartRegistry(URI.create("oci://localhost:5011/test/"), ChartRepositoryAuth.UserPassword("test", "test"))),

Run Helm / publish

ChartMuseum repository

Mind the URL: for ChartMuseum api/charts path segment is required however it is not well-defined (e.g. api/tenant/charts) - consult ChartMuseum owner how to set this up. build.sbt

Helm / publishToHosting := Seq(ChartMuseumRepository(ChartRepositoryName("bla"), URI.create("http://localhost:8081/api/charts"), ChartRepositoryAuth.UserPassword("test", "test"))),

Run Helm / publish

See sbt-test/shelm/publish-cm and sbt-test/shelm/publish-oci for examples how to use Chart Museum and OCI registries

IVY-style repository


credentials += Credentials("Artifactory Realm", "", "user", "pass"),
Helm / publishTo := Some(Resolver.url("Artifactory Realm", url(""))(Patterns("[chartMajor].[chartMinor].[chartPatch]/[artifact]-[chartVersion].[ext]"))),
Helm / publishRegistries := Seq(ChartRepositoryName("Artifactory"), URI.create("")),

Available extra Ivy attributes (for use in Patterns):

  • chartName Chart's name (Chart.yaml's name field)
  • chartVersion full version of the Chart
  • chartMajor Chart's SemVer2 Major
  • chartMinor Chart's SemVer2 Minor
  • chartPatch Chart's SemVer2 Patch
  • [chartMetadata] Chart's metadata appended during execution of packagesBin task

Development notes

Releasing SHelm

Release is performed using Github action. Run on git tag push.

The SHelm is versioned using SemVer2 with GitVersioning

Artifacts are hosted on Maven Central

Consult following README regarding the versioning.

Current related issues

SBT doesn't download sources in IntelliJ


SBT Helm plugin







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  • Scala 85.1%
  • Mustache 10.3%
  • Smarty 2.9%
  • Go 1.5%
  • Dockerfile 0.2%