Egg framework for Aliyun.
- node >= 4.0.0
$ npm install aliyun-egg --save
Aliyun egg is a framework for nodejs web applation deployed on Aliyun and related services. It has built-in plugins to support Aliyun RDS
and Alinode
First you should visit for more detail, and config in config/config.default.js
// config/config.${env}.js
exports.mysql = {
// 单数据库信息配置
client: {
// host
host: '',
// 端口号
port: '3306',
// 用户名
user: 'test_user',
// 密码
password: 'test_password',
// 数据库名
database: 'test',
// 是否加载到 app 上,默认开启
app: true,
// 是否加载到 agent 上,默认关闭
agent: false,
First you should visit for more detail, and config in config/config.default.js
exports.oss = {
client: {
accessKeyId: 'your access key',
accessKeySecret: 'your access secret',
bucket: 'your bucket name',
endpoint: '',
timeout: '60s',
First you should visit for more detail, and config in config/config.default.js
exports.alinode = {
appid: 'my app id',
secret: 'my app secret',
For example you can refer to [aliyun]