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Word by word Hebrew and Greek Audio

Eliran Wong edited this page Apr 7, 2022 · 4 revisions

Word-by-word Hebrew and Greek Audio

From version 28.62, Unique Bible App supports word by word Hebrew and Greek audio.


word-by-word_Hebrew_audio word-by-word_Greek_audio

Required size

BHS5 (Hebrew; word-by-word): 15.08GB

OGNT (Greek; word-by-word): 1.74GB

Optional Download

The audio sets are not installed by default. To use them, users need to download them first.

To download, go to menu: Resources > Add > GitHub Bible MP3 Files, select "BHS5 (Hebrew; word-by-word)" or "OGNT (Greek; word-by-word)" and proceed to download.

Integration into various UBA features:

Word-by-word Hebrew and Greek audio is integrated into various Unique Bible App features, e.g. Instant lookup, Word, Words, Translations, Discourse, etc.

Integration into Marvel Bibles:

Word-by-word Hebrew and Greek audio is also integrated into marvel bibles:

  • OHGB - Open Hebrew Greek Bible
  • OHGBi - Open Hebrew Greek Bible (interlinear)
  • MOB - Marvel Original Bible
  • MIB - Marvel Interlinear Bible
  • MTB - Marvel Trilingual Bible
  • MPB - Marvel Parallel Bible
  • MAB - Marvel Annotated Bible

Shortcut Combination

"Focus menu layout" users may find two sets of shortcut combinations useful to work with word-by-word Hebrew & Greek audio:

  1. "Shift + Ctrl + A"

Toggle the display of Hebrew & Greek word audio links in marvel bibles.

  1. "Shift + Ctrl + ="

Enable or disable "Instant lookup". "Instant look" shows information, including Hebrew / Greek word audio links, about a Hebrew or Greek word in marvel bibles when users hover on a particular word. To lock the "Instant lookup" content on a particular word, without being changed by hovering other words, you may disable "Instant lookup" by using this shortcut combination, right after you hover the word you want to study. You may later enable "Instant lookup" again using the same shortcut combination.

Verse-by-verse Hebrew & Greek Audio

We also have verse-by-verse Hebrew & Greek audio.

On "Focus" menu layout, users can download the following modules from Resources > Add > GitHub Bible MP3 Files:

  • OHGB (Hebrew & Greek; fast; verse-by-verse)
  • OHGB (Hebrew & Greek; slow; verse-by-verse)
  • WLC (Hebrew; fast; verse-by-verse) [upcoming]
  • WLC (Hebrew; slow; verse-by-verse) [upcoming]
  • SBLGNT (Greek; fast; verse-by-verse) [upcoming]
  • SBLGNT (Greek; slow; verse-by-verse) [upcoming]
  • LXX (Greek; verse-by-verse) [upcoming]

Find more details about verse-by-verse bible audio at:

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