Wallets service provides API for creating and fetching wallets, making deposits and transfers between wallets, fetching transfers history.
Balance is stored in USD cents. Balance in 100 means $1.00. Numeric(or decimal) type also could be used. But in case of USD it seems over engineered.
Database schema in ./.postgres_init/schema.sql
Schema apply on database while initial start.
For recreating database rm -r .postgres_data/ .redis_data/
Run service with
$ docker-compose up wallet
[+] Running 4/4
⠿ Network wallets-service_default Created
⠿ Container wallets-service_redis_1 Started
⠿ Container wallets-service_postgres_1 Started
⠿ Container wallets-service_wallet_1 Started
– success;201
– idempotency key duplication;400
– request parameters or idempotency key error;402
– insufficient balance in case of transfer;404
– wallet not found;405
– request method mismatch;409
– wallet already created(creating with name of existing one);500
– internal error;
Error details provides with JSON
"ok": 0,
"message": "reason"
$ curl --location --request POST 'localhost:8080/wallet' \
--header 'Idempotency-Key: XXXYYY' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"wallet_name": "myWallet"
In case of error, standart explanation
$ curl --location --request GET 'localhost:8080/wallet/myWallet'
"name": "myWallet",
"balance": 0
In case of error, standart explanation
$ curl --location --request POST 'localhost:8080/deposit' \
--header 'Idempotency-Key: XXXXYYYY' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"wallet_name": "myWallet",
"amount": "1000"
In case of error, standart explanation
$ curl --location --request POST 'localhost:8080/transfer' \
--header 'Idempotency-Key: XXXXXYYYYY' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"wallet_name_from": "myWallet",
"wallet_name_to": "anotherWallet",
"amount": "500"
In case of error, standart explanation
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:8080/history/myWallet'
– deposit or transfer;start_date
– date in formatYYYY-MM-DD
– date in formatYYYY-MM-DD
- limit and offset can be used for pagination;
1,1000,deposit,"{""source"": ""unknown""}",2021-07-30T09:44:40.69095Z
1,-500,transfer,"{""destination"": ""anotherWallet""}",2021-07-30T09:46:37.625009Z
In case of error, standart explanation
Configuration provided from environment variables
Name | Descrption | Constraint |
Address for binding | Not empty |
Waiting time before force service shutdown. -1 - unlimited | Greater or equal than -1 |
RDBMS database type | psql for PostgreSQL |
Database host | Not empty |
Database port | Not empty |
Database name | Not empty |
Database user | Not empty |
Database password | Not empty |
Address of redis which set up for idempotency keys keeping | Any valid address representation |
Password of redis which set up for idempotency keys keeping | Any |