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stdlib: fix review comments
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Add sequence number for init record functions
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frazze-jobb committed Feb 4, 2025
1 parent 544d835 commit 5bd3a4d
Showing 1 changed file with 21 additions and 13 deletions.
34 changes: 21 additions & 13 deletions lib/stdlib/src/erl_expand_records.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ Section [The Abstract Format](``) in ERTS User's Guide.
strict_ra=[], % Strict record accesses
checked_ra=[], % Successfully accessed records
dialyzer=false, % Compiler option 'dialyzer'
rec_init_count=0, % Number of generated record init functions
new_forms=#{}, % New forms
strict_rec_tests=true :: boolean()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,7 +97,12 @@ forms([{function,Anno,N,A,Cs0} | Fs0], St0) ->
forms([F | Fs0], St0) ->
{Fs,St} = forms(Fs0, St0),
{[F | Fs], St};
forms([], #exprec{new_forms=FsN}=St) -> {maps:values(FsN),St};
forms([], #exprec{new_forms=FsN}=St) ->
{[{'function', Anno,
[{'clause', Anno, [], [], [Def]}]}
|| {_,Anno,_}=Def <- maps:keys(FsN)], St};
forms([], St) -> {[],St}.

clauses([{clause,Anno,H0,G0,B0} | Cs0], St0) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -373,28 +379,30 @@ expr({record_index,Anno,Name,F}, St) ->
expr(I, St);
expr({record,Anno0,Name,Is}, St) ->
Anno = mark_record(Anno0, St),

IsUndefined = [{RF, AnnoRF, Field, {atom, AnnoRF, 'undefined'}} || {record_field=RF, AnnoRF, Field, _} <- Is],
Fields = lists:flatten(lists:sort([atom_to_list(FieldAtom) || {record_field, _, {atom, _, FieldAtom}, _} <- Is])),
R_default_init = [{atom,Anno,Name} |
record_inits(record_fields(Name, Anno0, St),IsUndefined)],
R_init = [{atom,Anno,Name} |
record_inits(record_fields(Name, Anno0, St), Is)],
Vars = lists:flatten(traverse_af(Is, fun save_vars/2)),
%% If R_init contains free variables that was not bound via Is
case free_variables(R_init, Vars) of
true ->
FName = list_to_atom("erl_expand_records_init_"++atom_to_list(Name)++"_"++Fields),
IsUndefined = [{RF, AnnoRF, Field, {atom, AnnoRF, 'undefined'}} || {record_field=RF, AnnoRF, Field, _} <- Is],
R_default_init = [{atom,Anno,Name} |
record_inits(record_fields(Name, Anno0, St),IsUndefined)],
%% add a function to the module that returns the
%% initialized record, we generate different init functions
%% depending on which fields that will override the default value
{Tup, St1} = expr({tuple,Anno,R_default_init},St),
F = {'function', Anno, FName, 0,
[{'clause', Anno, [], [], [Tup]}]},
%% replace the record expression with a call expression
{Def, St1} = expr({tuple,Anno,R_default_init},St),
{FName,St2} = case maps:get(Def, Map, undefined) of
NewName=list_to_atom("rec_init$^" ++ integer_to_list(C)),
{NewName, St1#exprec{rec_init_count=C+1, new_forms=Map#{Def=>NewName}}};
OldName -> {OldName,St1}
%% replace the init record expression with a call expression
%% to the newly added function and a record update
C = {call,Anno,{atom,Anno,FName},[]},
expr({record, Anno0, C, Name, Is},St1#exprec{new_forms=(St#exprec.new_forms)#{FName=>F}});
expr({record, Anno0, {call,Anno,{atom,Anno,FName},[]}, Name, Is},St2);
false ->
%% No free variables means that we can just
%% output the record as a tuple.
Expand Down

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