Code for Denecke, E., Grigoriev, P., & Rau, R. (2023). Evaluation of small-area estimation methods for mortality schedules. arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.01693. Available at:
Code should be run in order (as numbered). Scripts preceded by 00- contain functions that will be sourced by the scripts as necessary. Scripts with xx-a contain code for the simulation study with TOPALS and D-splines. Scripts with xx-b contain code for the simulation study with the SVD-model.
References are given as inline comments in the corresponding scripts. Main references are:
- which contains the original code used in 00-topals.R
- which contains the original code used in 00-dsplines.R
- The stan code (base_model_1mean.stan) was provided by Ameer Dharamshi (personal communication, 2022) who granted permission to upload the code.