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mdehoog committed Feb 23, 2024
1 parent 059f74d commit 72eaf9d
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Showing 10 changed files with 484 additions and 399 deletions.
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions specs/fjord/
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@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# Deposits

<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
**Table of Contents**

- [L1 Attributes Deposited Transaction](#l1-attributes-deposited-transaction)
- [L1 Attributes Deposited Transaction Calldata](#l1-attributes-deposited-transaction-calldata)
- [L1 Attributes - Fjord](#l1-attributes---fjord)
- [Special Accounts on L2](#special-accounts-on-l2)
- [L1 Attributes Predeployed Contract](#l1-attributes-predeployed-contract)
- [Fjord L1Block upgrade](#fjord-l1block-upgrade)

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## L1 Attributes Deposited Transaction

### L1 Attributes Deposited Transaction Calldata

#### L1 Attributes - Fjord

On the Fjord activation block, and if Fjord is not activated at Genesis,
the L1 Attributes Transaction includes a call to `setL1BlockValuesEcotone()`
because the L1 Attributes transaction precedes the [Fjord Upgrade Transactions][fjord-upgrade-txs],
meaning that `setL1BlockValuesFjord` is not guaranteed to exist yet.

Every subsequent L1 Attributes transaction should include a call to the `setL1BlockValuesFjord()` function.
The input args are no longer ABI encoded function parameters,
but are instead packed into 5 32-byte aligned segments and one 12-byte segment (starting after the function selector).
Each signed and unsigned integer argument is encoded as big-endian using a number of bytes corresponding to the
underlying type. The overall calldata layout is as follows:


| Input arg | Type | Calldata bytes | Segment |
| {0x850c16d8} | | 0-3 | n/a |
| baseFeeScalar | uint32 | 4-7 | 1 |
| blobBaseFeeScalar | uint32 | 8-11 | |
| sequenceNumber | uint64 | 12-19 | |
| l1BlockTimestamp | uint64 | 20-27 | |
| l1BlockNumber | uint64 | 28-35 | |
| basefee | uint256 | 36-67 | 2 |
| blobBaseFee | uint256 | 68-99 | 3 |
| l1BlockHash | bytes32 | 100-131 | 4 |
| batcherHash | bytes32 | 132-163 | 5 |
| l1CostIntercept | int32 | 164-167 | 6 |
| l1CostFastlzCoef | int32 | 168-171 | |
| l1CostTxSizeCoef | int32 | 172-175 | |

Total calldata length MUST be exactly 176 bytes.

In the first L2 block after the Fjord activation block, the Fjord L1 attributes are first used.

The pre-Fjord values are migrated over 1:1.
Blocks after the Fjord activation block contain all pre-Fjord values 1:1,
and also set the following new attributes:

- The `l1CostIntercept` is set to `0`.
- The `l1CostFastlzCoef` is set to `0`.
- The `l1CostTxSizeCoef` is set to `1e6`.

## Special Accounts on L2

### L1 Attributes Predeployed Contract

- With the Fjord upgrade, the predeploy additionally stores:
- `l1CostIntercept` (`int32`): system configurable to set the L1 cost formula intercept
- `l1CostFastlzCoef` (`int32`): system configurable to set the L1 cost formula FastLZ coefficient
- `l1CostTxSizeCoef` (`int32`): system configurable to set the L1 cost formula transaction size coefficient

#### Fjord L1Block upgrade

The L1 Attributes Predeployed contract, `L1Block.sol`, is upgraded as part of the Fjord upgrade.
The version is incremented to `1.3.0`, and one existing slot begins to store additional data:

- `l1CostIntercept` (`int32`): system configurable to set the L1 cost formula intercept
- `l1CostFastlzCoef` (`int32`): system configurable to set the L1 cost formula FastLZ coefficient
- `l1CostTxSizeCoef` (`int32`): system configurable to set the L1 cost formula transaction size coefficient

The function called by the L1 attributes transaction depends on the network upgrade:

- Before the Fjord activation:
- `setL1BlockValuesEcotone` is called, following the pre-Fjord L1 attributes rules.
- At the Fjord activation block:
- `setL1BlockValuesEcotone` function MUST be called, except if activated at genesis.
The contract is upgraded later in this block, to support `setL1BlockValuesFjord`.
- After the Fjord activation:
- `setL1BlockValuesEcotone` function is deprecated and MUST never be called.
- `setL1BlockValuesFjord` MUST be called with the new Fjord attributes.

`setL1BlockValuesFjord` uses a tightly packed encoding for its parameters, which is described in
[L1 Attributes - Fjord](#l1-attributes---fjord).
206 changes: 206 additions & 0 deletions specs/fjord/
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@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
# Deriving Payload Attributes

<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
**Table of Contents**

- [Deriving the Transaction List](#deriving-the-transaction-list)
- [Network upgrade automation transactions](#network-upgrade-automation-transactions)
- [Fjord](#fjord)
- [L1Block Deployment - Fjord](#l1block-deployment---fjord)
- [GasPriceOracle Deployment - Fjord](#gaspriceoracle-deployment---fjord)
- [L1Block Proxy Update - Fjord](#l1block-proxy-update---fjord)
- [GasPriceOracle Proxy Update - Fjord](#gaspriceoracle-proxy-update---fjord)
- [GasPriceOracle Enable Fjord](#gaspriceoracle-enable-fjord)

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## Deriving the Transaction List

### Network upgrade automation transactions

#### Fjord

The Fjord hardfork activation block, contains the following transactions in this order:

- L1 Attributes Transaction, using the pre-Fjord `setL1BlockValuesEcotone`
- User deposits from L1
- Network Upgrade Transactions
- L1Block deployment
- GasPriceOracle deployment
- Update L1Block Proxy ERC-1967 Implementation Slot
- Update GasPriceOracle Proxy ERC-1967 Implementation Slot
- GasPriceOracle Enable Fjord

To not modify or interrupt the system behavior around gas computation, this block will not include any sequenced
transactions by setting `noTxPool: true`.

##### L1Block Deployment - Fjord

The `L1Block` contract is upgraded to store the new Fjord Fast LZ parameters.

To perform this upgrade, a deposit transaction is derived with the following attributes:

- `from`: `0x4210000000000000000000000000000000000002`
- `to`: `null`
- `mint`: `0`
- `value`: `0`
- `gasLimit`: `420,000`
- `data`: `0x60806040523...` ([full bytecode](../static/bytecode/fjord-l1-block-deployment.txt))
- `sourceHash`: `0x402f75bf100f605f36c2e2b8d5544a483159e26f467a9a555c87c125e7ab09f3`,
computed with the "Upgrade-deposited" type, with `intent = "Fjord: L1 Block Deployment"

This results in the Fjord L1Block contract being deployed to `0xa919894851548179A0750865e7974DA599C0Fac7`, to verify:

cast compute-address --nonce=0 0x4210000000000000000000000000000000000002
Computed Address: 0xa919894851548179A0750865e7974DA599C0Fac7

Verify `sourceHash`:

cast keccak $(cast concat-hex 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 $(cast keccak "Fjord: L1 Block Deployment"))
# 0x402f75bf100f605f36c2e2b8d5544a483159e26f467a9a555c87c125e7ab09f3

Verify `data`:

git checkout TODO (update once merged)
pnpm clean && pnpm install && pnpm build
jq -r ".bytecode.object" packages/contracts-bedrock/forge-artifacts/L1Block.sol/L1Block.json

This transaction MUST deploy a contract with the following code hash

##### GasPriceOracle Deployment - Fjord

The `GasPriceOracle` contract is upgraded to support the new Fjord L1 data fee computation. Post fork this contract
will use FastLZ to compute the L1 data fee.

To perform this upgrade, a deposit transaction is derived with the following attributes:

- `from`: `0x4210000000000000000000000000000000000003`
- `to`: `null`,
- `mint`: `0`
- `value`: `0`
- `gasLimit`: `1,450,000`
- `data`: `0x60806040523...` ([full bytecode](../static/bytecode/fjord-gas-price-oracle-deployment.txt))
- `sourceHash`: `0x86122c533fdcb89b16d8713174625e44578a89751d96c098ec19ab40a51a8ea3`
computed with the "Upgrade-deposited" type, with `intent = "Fjord: Gas Price Oracle Deployment"

This results in the Fjord GasPriceOracle contract being deployed to `0xFf256497D61dcd71a9e9Ff43967C13fdE1F72D12`,
to verify:

cast compute-address --nonce=0 0x4210000000000000000000000000000000000003
Computed Address: 0xFf256497D61dcd71a9e9Ff43967C13fdE1F72D12

Verify `sourceHash`:

❯ cast keccak $(cast concat-hex 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 $(cast keccak "Fjord: Gas Price Oracle Deployment"))
# 0x86122c533fdcb89b16d8713174625e44578a89751d96c098ec19ab40a51a8ea3

Verify `data`:

git checkout TODO (update once merged)
pnpm clean && pnpm install && pnpm build
jq -r ".bytecode.object" packages/contracts-bedrock/forge-artifacts/GasPriceOracle.sol/GasPriceOracle.json

This transaction MUST deploy a contract with the following code hash

##### L1Block Proxy Update - Fjord

This transaction updates the L1Block Proxy ERC-1967 implementation slot to point to the new L1Block deployment.

A deposit transaction is derived with the following attributes:

- `from`: `0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000`
- `to`: `0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000015` (L1Block Proxy)
- `mint`: `0`
- `value`: `0`
- `gasLimit`: `50,000`
- `data`: `0x3659cfe6000000000000000000000000a919894851548179a0750865e7974da599c0fac7`
- `sourceHash`: `0x0fefb8cb7f44b866e21a59f647424cee3096de3475e252eb3b79fa3f733cee2d`
computed with the "Upgrade-deposited" type, with `intent = "Fjord: L1 Block Proxy Update"

Verify data:

cast concat-hex $(cast sig "upgradeTo(address)") $(cast abi-encode "upgradeTo(address)" 0xa919894851548179A0750865e7974DA599C0Fac7)

Verify `sourceHash`:

cast keccak $(cast concat-hex 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 $(cast keccak "Fjord: L1 Block Proxy Update"))
# 0x0fefb8cb7f44b866e21a59f647424cee3096de3475e252eb3b79fa3f733cee2d

##### GasPriceOracle Proxy Update - Fjord

This transaction updates the GasPriceOracle Proxy ERC-1967 implementation slot to point to the new GasPriceOracle

A deposit transaction is derived with the following attributes:

- `from`: `0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000`
- `to`: `0x420000000000000000000000000000000000000F` (Gas Price Oracle Proxy)
- `mint`: `0`
- `value`: `0`
- `gasLimit`: `50,000`
- `data`: `0x3659cfe6000000000000000000000000ff256497d61dcd71a9e9ff43967c13fde1f72d12`
- `sourceHash`: `0x1e6bb0c28bfab3dc9b36ffb0f721f00d6937f33577606325692db0965a7d58c6`
computed with the "Upgrade-deposited" type, with `intent = "Fjord: Gas Price Oracle Proxy Update"`

Verify data:

cast concat-hex $(cast sig "upgradeTo(address)") $(cast abi-encode "upgradeTo(address)" 0xFf256497D61dcd71a9e9Ff43967C13fdE1F72D12)

Verify `sourceHash`:

cast keccak $(cast concat-hex 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 $(cast keccak "Fjord: Gas Price Oracle Proxy Update"))
# 0x1e6bb0c28bfab3dc9b36ffb0f721f00d6937f33577606325692db0965a7d58c6

##### GasPriceOracle Enable Fjord

This transaction informs the GasPriceOracle to start using the Fjord gas calculation formula.

A deposit transaction is derived with the following attributes:

- `from`: `0xDeaDDEaDDeAdDeAdDEAdDEaddeAddEAdDEAd0001` (Depositer Account)
- `to`: `0x420000000000000000000000000000000000000F` (Gas Price Oracle Proxy)
- `mint`: `0`
- `value`: `0`
- `gasLimit`: `80,000`
- `data`: `0x8e98b106`
- `sourceHash`: `0xbac7bb0d5961cad209a345408b0280a0d4686b1b20665e1b0f9cdafd73b19b6b`,
computed with the "Upgrade-deposited" type, with `intent = "Fjord: Gas Price Oracle Set Fjord"

Verify data:

cast sig "setFjord()"

Verify `sourceHash`:

cast keccak $(cast concat-hex 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 $(cast keccak "Fjord: Gas Price Oracle Set Fjord"))
# 0xbac7bb0d5961cad209a345408b0280a0d4686b1b20665e1b0f9cdafd73b19b6b

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