This repo is depricated and no longer functions with updated mainnet clients
Run a full Ethereum network from genesis in the local machine. The network run by this projects uses lighthouse and geth as the consensus client and execution client respectively.
We try to make the network as similar to the mainnet as possible, so that people can use this repository as the documentation on how to start their own network.
In order to do so, we try to write as little code as possible and use only bash scripts to run only well-known softwares. In addition, we use some JavaScript and web3.js so that we can easily manage JSON objects and interact with the Ethereum nodes.
You can follow the follwing instructions to install the dependencies. You can omit some instructions if you prefer to install them in other ways.
# Install geth and bootnode
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ethereum
# Install Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
# Install lighthouse and lcli
sudo apt-get install -y git gcc g++ make cmake pkg-config llvm-dev libclang-dev clang protobuf-compiler
git clone
cd lighthouse
git checkout stable
make install-lcli
# Install Node.js
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs npm
# Install jq
sudo apt-get install -y jq
git clone
cd local-testnet
By default, the number of nodes will be 4 and the number of validators will be 80. You can change them by setting the environment variables.
Note: If you make the NODE_COUNT
too high, you probably need to change TERMINAL_TOTAL_DIFFICULTY
in vars.env
as well. Please read the comment in vars.env
for more detail.
If you want to specify the paths for your own geth and lighthouse binaries, you can do so by setting GETH_CMD
environment variables.
GETH_CMD=~/repos/go-ethereum/build/bin/geth \
LIGHTHOUSE_CMD=~/repos/lighthouse/target/release/lighthouse \
When you run ./
, the followings happen in order.
- Ethereum accounts are generated for each node using the command
geth account new
, so there will beNODE_COUNT
accounts in total. - Execution layer genesis file is generated at
. - Geth directories of each node are initialized with the previously generated gnesis file.
- Start a boot node of the execution layer p2p network.
- Start Geth instances of all
nodes. - Start a Geth instance of a special node called "signer".
At this point, there will be NODE_COUNT
Geth nodes, a boot node, and the "signer" Geth node running. They form a network and they can discover
each other using the boot node. The network is now a fully functioning Ethereum network, but its underlying consensus protocol is a Proof-of-Authority (PoA) protocol,
not the desired Proof-of-Stake (PoS) protocol. (You can try sending a transactoin at this stage, if you want)
In case you're curious, "signer" is a dedicated node used as the only block-proposing authority of the Proof-of-Stake protocol.
The next steps are about turning the network into the Proof-of-Stake one.
- Deploy the deposit contract using one of the PoA nodes.
- Generate the key pairs of all
validators using staking-deposit-cli. - Sending the deposits to the deposit contract for all the validators using one of the PoA nodes.
- Consensus layer genesis file is generated at
. - Assign the validators to the
nodes. Every node will have approximately the same number of validators. - Start a boot node of the consensus layer p2p network.
- Start Lighthouse instances of all
At this point, everything is ready to transition to the Proof-of-Stake.
Using the default configuration, you will have to wait around 5 minutes since you start the network until it fully transitions to the Proof-of-Stake.
The following logs are the significant ones.
- ./data/signer/ethereum/geth.log - which is the Geth log of the "signer" node.
- ./data/node{id}/ethereum/geth.log - which is the Geth log of the id'th node of the
nodes. - ./data/node{id}/lighthouse/beacon_node.log - which is the Lighthouse beacon_node log of the id'th node of the
nodes. - ./data/node{id}/lighthouse/validator_client.log - which is the Lighthouse validator_client log of the id'th node of the
When the network has fully transitioned to the Proof-of-Stake, the log in ./data/node{id}/lighthouse/beacon_node.log should show the following.
Jan 06 10:09:53.501 INFO Synced slot: 71, block: 0xfa3e…e9bb, epoch: 2, finalized_epoch: 0, finalized_root: 0x68ea…8fbd, exec_hash: n/a, peers: 3, service: slot_notifier
Jan 06 10:09:53.504 INFO Ready for the merge current_difficulty: 159, terminal_total_difficulty: 160, service: slot_notifier
Jan 06 10:09:55.037 INFO New block received root: 0x60c2d96ce0d90e08686900df41966e34afd467e5d93527046435f284fe139333, slot: 72
Jan 06 10:09:55.044 INFO
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, service: beacon
Jan 06 10:09:55.044 INFO Proof of Stake Activated slot: 72, service: beacon
Jan 06 10:09:55.044 INFO Terminal POW Block Hash: 0xc2bc20ed0a3903d9e93dbd31abbc867a0a7c38240cb6a194575fdd5bcb466e12, service: beacon
Jan 06 10:09:55.044 INFO Merge Transition Block Root: 0x60c2d96ce0d90e08686900df41966e34afd467e5d93527046435f284fe139333, service: beacon
Jan 06 10:09:55.044 INFO Merge Transition Execution Hash: 0xede8bfd80096085da44b8954aa071ca3d82eced8c4c2bd57941b0a4b616bc456, service: beacon
Jan 06 10:09:56.502 INFO Synced slot: 72, block: 0x60c2…9333, epoch: 2, finalized_epoch: 0, finalized_root: 0x68ea…8fbd, exec_hash: 0xede8…c456 (verified), peers: 3, service: slot_notifier
Save the following file as send.js
const net = require('net');
const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3 = new Web3('./data/node1/ethereum/geth.ipc', net);
const recipient = process.argv[2];
(async function() {
const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
console.log("Before the transaction:");
console.log(accounts[0], "has", await web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[0]));
console.log(recipient, "has", await web3.eth.getBalance(recipient));
await web3.eth.sendTransaction({
from: accounts[0],
to: recipient,
value: '500000000000000000000000000',
gas: 42000,
gasPrice: '14000000000',
console.log("After the transaction:");
console.log(accounts[0], "has", await web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[0]));
console.log(recipient, "has", await web3.eth.getBalance(recipient));
Run the following to send a transaction. This can take a while, so be patient.
$ NODE_PATH=./web3/node_modules node send.js $(cat ./data/node2/ethereum/address)
Before the transaction:
0x7CC1c30f38606C767d6F930Ef82E51571Da15015 has 1000000000000000000000000000
0x1f7702a321566a68Cd6edD20b55f7Fe8641c8344 has 1000000000000000000000000000
After the transaction:
0x7CC1c30f38606C767d6F930Ef82E51571Da15015 has 499999999999706000000000000
0x1f7702a321566a68Cd6edD20b55f7Fe8641c8344 has 1500000000000000000000000000