❗ Important! Before you proceed, please read the EUDI Wallet Reference Implementation project description
- Overview
- Disclaimer
- Important things to know
- How to contribute
- Demo videos
- How to use the application
- How to build - Quick start guide
- Application configuration
- License
The EUDI Wallet Reference Implementation is built based on the Architecture Reference Framework and aims to showcase a robust and interoperable platform for digital identification, authentication, and electronic signatures based on common standards across the European Union. The EUDI Wallet Reference Implementation is based on a modular architecture composed of business-agnostic, reusable components that will evolve in incremental steps and can be re-used across multiple projects.
The EUDI Wallet Reference Implementation is the application that allows users to:
- To obtain, store, and present PID and mDL.
- Verify presentations.
- Share data on proximity scenarios.
- Support remote QES and more use cases with the modules included.
The EUDIW project provides an iOS app through this repository. Please refer to the repositories listed in the following sections for more detailed information on how to get started, contribute, and engage with the EUDI Wallet Reference Implementation.
The app consumes the SDK called EUDIW Wallet core Wallet kit and a list of available libraries to facilitate remote presentation, proximity, and issuing test/demo functionality following the specification of the ARF, including:
OpenID4VP - draft 23 (remote presentation), presentation exchange v2.0,
ISO18013-5 (proximity presentation),
OpenID4VCI draft 14 (issuing)
Issuer functionality, to support development and testing, one can access an OID4VCI test/demo service for issuing at:
Relying Party functionality:
To support development and testing, one can access a test/demo service for remote presentation at:
To support proximity, an Android Proximity Verifier is available as an app that can request PID and mDL with reader authentication available here
The issuer, verifier service, and verifier app authentication are based on the EUDIW development IACA
The main purpose of the reference implementation is to showcase the ecosystem and act as a technical example of how to integrate and use all of the available components.
If you're planning to use this application in production, we recommend reviewing the following steps:
- Configure the application properly by following the guide here
- Ensure the Pin storage configuration matches your security requirements or provide your own by following this guide Pin Storage Configuration
- Ensure the application meets the OWASP MASVS industry standard. Please refer to the following links for further information on the controls you must implement to ensure maximum compliance:
We welcome contributions to this project. To ensure that the process is smooth for everyone involved, follow the guidelines found in CONTRIBUTING.md.
(NOTE: These videos are from the Android version)
Minimum device requirements
- Any device that supports iOS 16.0
To complete the flows described below, you must build and run the application with Xcode. Alternatively, you can directly download the Android app onto your device.
App center download method (Android app)
In addition to building the app from the source, you can also use the Android app, which you can download here
Run the app from the source (Xcode build)
Clone this repo and make sure you have access to the dependencies below:
You will also need to download the Android Verifier app. More information can be found here
- Launch the application
- You will be presented with a welcome screen where you will be asked to create a PIN for future logins.
- Navigate to the "Dashboard" screen, go to the "Documents" tab, and tap on the "+" icon (top-right of the screen). Select "From list". If it's your first time opening the app, you will be redirected here automatically after entering or setting up your PIN.
- Select "PID".
- In the web view that appears, choose "Country Selection", then "FormEU", and tap "Submit".
- Fill in the form. Any data will suffice, but selecting a birth date older than 18 years is recommended, as it is required for certain app functionalities (e.g., RQES).
- After submission, a success screen will appear. Tap "Close".
- You will be redirected to the "Dashboard" screen. If this was your first document added to the Wallet, you will land on the "Home" tab; otherwise, you will be on the "Documents" tab. The flow is now complete.
- Go to the "Dashboard" screen, navigate to the "Documents" tab, and tap the "+" icon (top-right of the screen). Select "Scan a QR".
- Scan the QR code from the issuer's website EUDI Issuer
- Review the documents included in the credential offer and tap "Add".
- In the web view that appears, select "Country Selection", then "FormEU", and tap "Submit".
- Fill in the form. Any data will suffice, but selecting a birth date over 18 is recommended, as it is required for certain app functionalities (e.g., RQES).
- After submission, a success screen will appear. Tap "Close".
- You will be redirected back to the "Documents" tab within the "Dashboard" screen. The flow is now complete.
To delete a document, navigate to the 'Documents' tab within the 'Dashboard' screen, tap on the document you wish to remove, and then tap the 'Delete Document' button in the 'Document Details' screen.
- Go to the browser application on your device and enter "https://verifier.eudiw.dev"
- Expand the Person Identification Data (PID) card and select:
- "Attributes by" → "Specific attributes".
- "Format" → Choose the format of your choice.
- Tap "Next", then select "Select Attributes".
- Choose the fields you want to request from the Wallet (e.g., "Family Name" and "Given Name").
- Review your presentation request, tap "Next", and then select "Open with your Wallet".
- When prompted to open the wallet app, tap "Open".
- You will be redirected to the app’s "Request" screen, where you can select or deselect which attributes to share with the Verifier. You must select at least one attribute to proceed.
- Tap "Share".
- Enter the PIN you set up during the initial steps.
- Upon successful submission, tap "Close".
- A browser will open, confirming that the Verifier has accepted your request.
- Return to the app. The flow is now complete.
- Log in to the EUDI Wallet app.
- You will be on the "Home" tab of the "Dashboard" screen.
- Tap the "Authenticate" button on the first informative card. A modal with two options will appear.
- Select "In person".
- You will be prompted to enable Bluetooth (if it is not already enabled) and grant the necessary permissions for the app to use it (if you have not already done so).
- The Verifier scans the presented QR code.
- The app's "Request" screen will load. Here, you can select or deselect which attributes to share with the Verifier. You must select at least one attribute to proceed.
- Tap "Share".
- Enter the PIN you set up during the initial steps.
- Upon successful authentication, tap "Close".
- The Verifier will receive the data you chose to share.
- You will return to the "Home" tab of the "Dashboard" screen. The flow is now complete.
This document describes how you can build the application and deploy the issuing and verification services locally.
You can find instructions on how to configure the application here
The released software is an initial development release version:
- The initial development release is an early endeavor reflecting the efforts of a short time-boxed period, and by no means can it be considered as the final product.
- The initial development release may be changed substantially over time and might introduce new features but also may change or remove existing ones, potentially breaking compatibility with your existing code.
- The initial development release is limited in functional scope.
- The initial development release may contain errors or design flaws and other problems that could cause system or other failures and data loss.
- The initial development release has reduced security, privacy, availability, and reliability standards relative to future releases. This could make the software slower, less reliable, or more vulnerable to attacks than mature software.
- The initial development release is not yet comprehensively documented.
- Users of the software must perform sufficient engineering and additional testing to properly evaluate their application and determine whether any of the open-sourced components is suitable for use in that application.
- We strongly recommend not to put this version of the software into production use.
- Only the latest version of the software will be supported
logic-resources: All app resources reside here (images, etc.)
logic-core: Wallet core logic.
logic-analytics: Access to analytics providers. Capabilities for test monitoring analytics (i.e., crashes) can be added here (no functionality right now)
logic-business: App business logic.
logic-storage: Persistent storage cache.
logic-authentication: PinStorage and System Biometrics Logic.
logic-ui: Common UI components.
feature-common: Code that is common to all features.
feature-dashboard: The application's main screen.
feature-startup: The initial screen of the app.
feature-presentation: Online authentication feature.
feature-issuance: Document issuance feature.
feature-proximity: Proximity scenarios feature.
logic-assembly: This module has access to all the above modules and assembles navigation and DI graphs.
graph TD;
logic-business --> logic-authentication
logic-core --> logic-authentication
logic-analytics --> logic-authentication
logic-resources --> logic-authentication
feature-common --> logic-assembly
feature-startup --> logic-assembly
feature-dashboard --> logic-assembly
feature-presentation --> logic-assembly
feature-issuance --> logic-assembly
feature-proximity --> logic-assembly
logic-business --> logic-core
logic-resources --> logic-core
logic-resources --> logic-storage
logic-business --> logic-analytics
feature-common --> feature-issuance
feature-common --> feature-proximity
feature-common --> feature-presentation
feature-common --> feature-dashboard
logic-storage --> feature-common
logic-core --> feature-common
logic-business --> feature-common
logic-analytics --> feature-common
logic-ui --> feature-common
logic-api --> feature-common
logic-authentication --> feature-common
feature-common --> feature-startup
logic-business --> logic-storage
logic-core --> logic-api
logic-business --> logic-api
logic-analytics --> logic-api
logic-resources --> logic-business
logic-business --> logic-ui
logic-analytics --> logic-ui
logic-resources --> logic-ui
logic-core --> logic-ui
Copyright (c) 2023 European Commission
Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or - as soon they will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/software/page/eupl
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the Licence.