wow maps
This will let you get the trip info between point a and point b using google maps. It will give you mileage and time with traffic.
To get the server running:
git clone
cd scrapey
pip install -r requirements.txt
Background the process or open a new terminal and then run something like this:
curl "localhost:5000/?source=1%20Infinite%20Loop%2C%20Cupertino%2C%20CA%2095014&destination=1600%20Amphitheatre%20Parkway%2C%20Mountain%20View%2C%20CA%2094043" | python -m json.tool
That will give you trip info for a trip between the Apple and Google campuses in a format like this:
"destination": "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043",
"source": "1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014",
"trip_info": {
"miles": 9.1,
"minutes": 13.0
Yay fun!
If you have docker and want to just get going, simply do this:
docker run -dP --name=scrapey evanscottgray/scrapey
That will spawn a container named scrapey in the background.
Getting exposed port info is simple:
docker port scrapey