This package provides complete scroll restoration for redux-first-router through the call of a single function. It also insures hash changes work as you would expect (e.g. like when you click #links
to different section of a Github readme it automatically scrolls, and allows you to use the browser back/next buttons to move between sections you've visited).
import restoreScroll from 'redux-first-router-restore-scroll'
connectRoutes(history, routesMap, { restoreScroll: restoreScroll() })
To disable automatic scroll restoration, pass manual: true
import restoreScroll from 'redux-first-router-restore-scroll'
connectRoutes(history, routesMap, {
restoreScroll: restoreScroll({ manual: true })
See Manual Scroll Position Updates below for how to handle scroll restoration manually.
If you'd like to implement custom scroll positioning, provide a shouldUpdateScroll
handler as seen below:
import restoreScroll from 'redux-first-router-restore-scroll'
connectRoutes(history, routesMap, {
restoreScroll: restoreScroll({
shouldUpdateScroll: (prev, locationState) => {
// disable scroll restoration on history state changes
// note: this is useful if you want to maintain scroll position from previous route
if (prev.type === 'HOME' && locationState.type === 'CATEGORY') {
return false
// scroll into view HTML element with this ID or name attribute value
else if (locationState.load && locationState.type === 'USER') {
return 'profile-box'
// return an array of xy coordinates to scroll there
else if (locationState.payload.coords) {
return [coords.x, coords.y]
// Accurately emulate the default behavior of scrolling to the top on new history
// entries, and to previous positions on pop state + hash changes.
// This is the default behavior, and this callback is not needed if this is all you want.
return true
It's one of the core premises of redux-first-router
that you avoid using 3rd party container components that update unnecessarily behind the scenes (such as the route
component from React Router), and that Redux's connect
+ React's shouldComponentUpdate
stay your primary mechanism/container for controlling updates. It's all too common for a lot more updates to be going on than you're aware. The browser isn't perfect and jank is a fact of life for large animation-heavy applications. By keeping your updating containers to userland Redux containers (as much as possible), you keep your app's rendering performance in your control.
Everything redux-first-router
is doing is to make Redux remain as your go-to for optimizing rendering performance.
It's for this reason we avoid a top level <ScrollContext />
provider component which listens and updates in response to every single location
state change. It may just be the virtual DOM which re-renders, but cycles add up.
Therefore, in some cases you may want to update the scroll position manually. So rather than provide a <ScrollContext />
container component, we expose an API so you can update scroll position in places you likely already are listening to such updates:
import React from 'react'
import { updateScroll } from 'redux-first-router' // note: this is the main package
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
componentDidUpdate() {
const dispatch = this.props.dispatch
.then(payload => dispatch({ type: 'NEW_DATA', payload })
.then(() = updateScroll())
render() {...}
The purpose of calling
after the new data is here and rendered is so that the page can be scrolled down to a portion of the page that might not have existed yet (e.g. because a spinner was showing instead).
Note however that if you are using redux-first-router
's thunk
or chunks
options for your routes, updateScroll
will automatically be called for you after the corresponding promises resolve. So you may never need this.
To implement a custom backend storage for scroll state, pass a custom stateStorage
object. The object should implement the methods as described by scroll-behavior as well as a function called setPrevKey
that keeps track of the previous key. See the default sessionStorage backed example.
import restoreScroll from 'redux-first-router-restore-scroll'
import someStorageMechanism from './someStorageMechanism'
function determineKeyFromLocation(location, key) {
// figure out a key for your storage from location and nullable key, not a robust example
return `${location.key || location.hash || 'loadPage'}${key}`
let prevKey;
const stateStorage = {
setPrevKey(key) {
prevKey = key;
read(location, key) {
// somewhere you have stored state
return someStorageMechanism.get(determineKeyFromLocation(location, key))
save(location, key, value) {
// somewhere you will store state
someStorageMechanism.set(determineKeyFromLocation(location, key), value)
connectRoutes(history, routesMap, {
restoreScroll: restoreScroll({
In React 16 ("Fiber"), there is more asynchrony involved, and therefore you may need to pass the manual
option and create a component at the top of your component tree like the following:
import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { updateScroll } from 'redux-first-router'
class ScrollContext extends React.Component {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (prevProps.path !== this.props.path) {
render() {
return this.props.children
export default connect(({ location }) => ({ path: location.pathname }))(ScrollContext)
Now just wrap your top level
<App />
component inside<ScrollContext />
. ItscomponentDidUpdate
method will be called last and the remainder of your page (i.e. child components) will have already rendered. As a result, the window will be able to properly scroll down to a portion of the page that now exists.
Again, since redux-first-router
is based on Redux, our goal is to avoid a huge set of library components, but rather to facilitate your frictionless implementation of tried and true Redux connected container patterns. We will however try to find a way to automate this for you in the main redux-first-router
package on history transitions if Fiber provides some sort of handler like: React.runAfterUpdates(updateScroll)
, similar to React Native's InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions
Modern browsers like Chrome attempt to provide the default behavior, but we have found
it to be flakey in fact. It's pretty good in Chrome, but doesn't always happen. If all you want is the default behavior and nothing more,
simply call restoreScroll()
and assign it to the restoreScroll
option of redux-first-router
's option map. That results in the same as
returning true
We got you covered. Please checkout redux-first-router-scroll-container.
We got you covered! Please checkout redux-first-router-scroll-container-native.
Our Scroll Restoration package comes thanks to:, which powered react-router-scroll in older versions of React Router. See either for more information on how this works.