These are functions used to encode and decode data to and from the Base64 format.
The original code is from this github repository:
The library provides two functions: one for encoding data into Base64 and one for decode the Base64 data:
int encoded_lenght = b64_encode( char *data_out, char *data_in, int data_in_lenght );
int decoded_lenght = b64_decode( char *data_out, char *data_in, int data_in_lenght );
Copy the two files base64_utils.cpp and base64_utils.h into your source folder.
Include the base64_utils.h file in your source code:
#include "base64_utils.h"
Notice that I've changed the file names to avoid clashing to the previous name used (base64.h and base64.cpp) which could be used by some frameworks, more specifically the Arduino framework.
char b64data[256]; // Size is just an example.
String s = "Hello world!";
Serial.println(" Message: " );
Serial.println( s) ;
Serial.println(" Encoded message:");
int b64len = b64_encode(b64data, (char *)s.c_str(),s.length());
Serial.println ( String(b64data) );
Serial.println ("The lenght is: " + String(b64len) );
char decoded[256];
String ss(b64data);
b64_decode( decoded , (char *)ss.c_str() , ss.length() );
Serial.println("Decoded: " + String(decoded));
b64_decode( decodec, b64data, b64len);
Serial.println("Decoded: " + String(decoded));