About the project | Getting started | License
This is an API Rest to manage project and tasks where I have learned about the main features in AdonisJS.
The main topics covered were:
- Concept and structure
- Setting ESlint
- Database (Lucid ORM)
- User registration
- JWT Auth
- Recover password
- Send e-mail
- Reset password
- File upload
- Show files (static route)
- Creating models
- Relations
- Validator
- Handle exception
- Internationalization
- Pagination
- Hook
- Queue using Redis (Kue)
- Setting Sentry
- Deal with CORS
- Database transaction
Import the Insomnia.json
on Insomnia App or click on Run in Insomnia button
Clone the project and access the folder
$ git clone https://github.com/felipeDS91/adonisJS.git && cd adonisJS
Follow the steps below
# Install the dependencies
$ npm install
# Creates a docker container for REDIS
$ docker run --name redis -p6379:6379 -d redis:alpine
# Creates a docker container or use your own mysql installation (changes the password)
$ docker run --name adonis -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="mysql_password" -p 3306:3306 -d mysql:5.7.30
# Creates a new mysql user (changes the username and password)
# To connect with mysql database you can use a tool like DBeaver for example
$ CREATE USER 'docker'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'docker';
# Create a database
# Give privileges for the created user
$ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON adonis.* TO 'docker'@'localhost';
# Refresh the privileges
# Make a copy of '.env.example' to '.env'
# and set with YOUR environment variables
$ cp .env.example .env
# Run the migrations
$ adonis migration:run
# Run this command to start the server in development mode
$ adonis serve --dev
# If you want, rRun this command to start the kue worker
$ adonis kue:listen
# Well done, project is started!
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Made with 💜 by Felipe Douglas 👋 See my linkedin