A toy container runner & orchestrator.
Currently supports:
- running containers interactively (PTY) or in detached mode
- killing active containers
- listing active containers
- isolated mounts, network, user namespaces, process namespace...
- rootless containers by default
- custom container hostname
Check out help with go run cmd/cli/cli.go help
go run cmd/cli/cli.go run --it bash
- run bash in an isolated container with a pseudo terminalgo run cmd/cli/cli.go run --host <hostname> --it bash
- run bash in an isolated container with a pseudo terminal through a multiplexed TCP connection
go run cmd/cli/cli.go attach --it <container_id>
- attach to a running containergo run cmd/cli/cli.go attach --host <hostname> --it <container_id>
- attacho to a container with a pseudo terminal through a multiplexed TCP connection
go run cmd/cli/cli.go ps
- list running containersgo run cmd/cli/cli.go --host <hostname> ps
- list running containers on a remote hostgo run ./cmd/cli/cli.go run --host <hostname> --share-ns "$container_id" --it --name shared bash
- share namespaces with an existing container
- requires
to be run as root (because ofsetns
) ip link add dummy0 type dummy
- dummy interface will be shown in both processes (ip addr
- share namespaces with an existing container
Daemon: go run cmd/daemon/daemon.go
- communicates with daemons through gRPC and handles IPC
- each interactive session is connected in a separate pseudo terminal and streams data in & out
- daemon
- communicates with clients and runs the containers
- TCP connections are multiplexed in multiple streams and stream container stdin, stdout & stderrs
- local container access (ironically)
- remote container orchestration (IPC through TCP sockets)
- inter-container networking
- running different OSes
- volume mounts
- contfiles & builds
- killing containers through CLI (almost!)
- secure gRPC communication
- separate -i and -t options (attach STDIN and PTY)
- tee stdout & stderr to logfiles (rotated daily or every 10MB)
- attaching container namespaces on the same host
- init pipe instead of env vars
- clone binary
$ go run cmd/cli/cli.go run --it --name test123 --hostname kontejner --workdir /home/fhancic bash
$ whoami
$ hostname
$ pwd
$ go run cmd/cli/cli.go ps
| 250c137e-a173-410e-8b81-1161e4979d04 | bash | 512306 | |
| fc7467b9-d63d-4c05-b6fb-5a61458903ea | bash | 512088 | test123 |
- https://github.com/google/goterm - I used a good portion of the code to get a grasp of how to set up a Linux PTY
- https://github.com/nsf/termbox-go - I used this as a reference for raw stdin reads
- https://github.com/lizrice/containers-from-scratch - a great starting point for isolation
- https://speakerdeck.com/lizrice/rootless-containers-from-scratch - rootless container runtime
- https://github.com/hashicorp/yamux - inspiration for a lot of multiplexing ideas
- https://github.com/spf13/cobra - used for building conts CLIs
- https://github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter - terminal table print outs
- gRPC & protobuf - for client-server communication, binary encoding/decoding of messages