Lots of modes and shortcuts to code in emacs fast and -fun- furious.
Make a symbolic link:
git clone git://github.com/fireho/emacx
cd emacx && ln -s `pwd`/.emacs.d ~/.emacs.d
Just move to home:
git clone git://github.com/fireho/emacx
mv emacx ~/.emacs.d
Or use the install script:
git clone git://github.com/fireho/emacx
cd emacx && ./install
To make loading really fast, M-x byte-recompile-home
Monaco/Inconsolata/Hack suggestions.
cp -r .fonts ~
sudo fc-cache -vf
pacman -S ttf-inconsolata monaco-linux-font
Start with the tutorial on Help => Emacs Tutorial
For the lazy, check out /dev/null
- C / Ruby / Rails / Rspec Modes
- JS2 / CoffeeScript
- Haml / HTML / CSS Modes
- Snippets
- Magit
- Linum
- Themes
- Free p0rn!
M-/ => comment-or-uncomment-region
M-[ => indent-region
M-] => indent-according-to-mode
M-s => save-buffer
M-t => ido-find-file
M-w => ido-switch-buffer
M-q => kill-this-buffer
M-a => magit-status
M-b => magit-branch
M-r => query-replace
M-S-r => query-replace global
C-o => occur
C-s => isearch-forward-regex
Run when you update/make changes to your config:
M-x byte-recompile-home
Uma reunião de plugins e configurações pra deixar o Emacs pronto pra usar.
Siga os comandos no topo desse tutorial pra instalar.
Inicie pelo tutorial incluso no Editor, em Help => Emacs Tutorial
Por favor, verifique o manual para preguiçosos do mesmo em /dev/null.
Melhorias/correções: Fork! E ñ exite em mandar um 'pull request'.