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Efficient and convenient func for golang data processing.All original code comes from here.

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This library already supports Go1.18 generic.


sort.Slice(people, func(i, j int) bool {
	return people[i].Age > people[j].Age

When we write backend code,we often extract data from database.and next step ,we need to group,join and sort multiple table data to generate result in golang service.The code like this is always repeat again and again, The code we write more,The boring we feel more.

pepole2 := query.Sort(people,"Age asc")

so we have an idea!we use a unify API to finish group,join and sort.but because of strong typed in golang,we only use interface{} to handle different type input data,and use reflect to achieve the algorithm. as we finish this tool , it is a new world for me,the code more short,more easy and more beautiful.And after a period of time, we find a new problem,when we handle one million rows in this API,it will slow.This is a simple reason,because all algorithm is achieved by reflect, not by hand.Compiler can not optimize the code by different type.The other reason is there are much time wasted in reflect package by type get and type check.

func querySortV10a439a196b4cc9dca0592a40a23aba8392203e4(data []People, sortType string) []People {
	dataIn := data
	newData := make([]People, len(dataIn), len(dataIn))
	copy(newData, dataIn)

	query.SortInternal(len(newData), func(i int, j int) int {
		if newData[i].Age < newData[j].Age {
			return -1
		} else if newData[i].Age > newData[j].Age {
			return 1

		return 0
	}, func(i int, j int) {
		newData[j], newData[i] = newData[i], newData[j]
	return newData

so we have further idea, to slove why we slow.We build a new tool,when in compile time,we get the AST tree and find all the code where call query.Sort function.And we auto generate the "concrete sort code" by differnt type and different const string in sortType.The last step is we compile the "concrete sort code" to our executable file.

So when we run query.Sort(xxxx),query.Sort will find the "concrete sort code" by differnt type and different const string in sortType.It just work!It is even faster than hand code

gen -r [packageName] # specify package,if not, use current package

all of this ,we only need to run this command before we compile.That is all.


// User struct
type User struct {
    UserID     int
    Age        int
    Name       string
    CreateTime time.Time

// Admin struct
type Admin struct {
    AdminID int
    Level   int

// AdminUser struct
type AdminUser struct {
    AdminID    int
    Level      int
    Age        int
    Name       string
    CreateTime time.Time

// Department struct
type Department struct {
    DepartmentID int
    Name         string
    Employees    []User

// Sex struct
type Sex struct {
    IsMale bool

var users = make([]User, 1000, 1000)
var admins = make([]Admin, 1000, 1000)

// extract column from table
// * First Argument:table
// * Second Argument:column name
userIDs := query.Column[User, int](users, "UserID") // []int

// generate a map from table,key is column value and value is it's row
// * First Argument:table
// * Second Argument:column name
userMap = query.ColumnMap[User, int, map[int]User](users, "UserID") // map[int]User
// or
usersMap = query.ColumnMap[User, int, map[int][]User](users, "[]UserID") // map[int][]User

// select data from table
// * First Argument:table
// * Second Argument:select rule
sel = query.Select(users, func(a User) Sex {
    if len(a.Name) >= 3 && a.Name[0:3] == "Man" {
        return Sex{IsMale: true}
    return Sex{IsMale: false}
}) // []Sex

// filter data from table
// * First Argument:table
// * Second Argument:filter rule
where = query.Where(users, func(a User) bool {
    if len(a.Name) >= 3 && a.Name[0:3] == "Man" {
        return true
    return false
}) // []User

// combine data from two table , one by one
// * First Argument:left table
// * Second Argument:right table
// * Third Argument:combine rule
combine = query.Combine(admins, users, func(admin Admin, user User) AdminUser {
    return AdminUser{
        AdminID:    admin.AdminID,
        Level:      admin.Level,
        Name:       user.Name,
        CreateTime: user.CreateTime,
}) // []AdminUser

// group data from table
// * First Argument: left table
// * Second Argument: group column name
// * Third Argument: group rule
group = query.Group[User, Department, []Department](users, "UserID", func(users []User) Department {
    return Department{
        Employees: users,
}) // []Department
// or
group = query.Group[User, []Department, *[]Department](users, "UserID", func(users []User) []Department {
    return []Department{
        Employees: users,
}) // *[]Department

// join data from two table,support LeftJoin,RightJoin,InnerJoin和OuterJoin
// * First Argument: left table
// * Second Argument: right table
// * Third Argument: join condition
// * Forth Argument: join rule
join = query.LeftJoin(admins, users, "AdminID = UserID", func(admin Admin, user User) AdminUser {
    return AdminUser{
        AdminID:    admin.AdminID,
        Level:      admin.Level,
        Name:       user.Name,
        CreateTime: user.CreateTime,
}) // []AdminUser

// sort data from table,support multiple column,for Example: UserId desc,Age asc
// * First Argument:table
// * Second Argument:sort condition
sort = query.Sort(users, "UserID asc") // []User

This is All API , easy and less

Gen tool

go install

gen -r [PackageName] # can ignore PackageName, when do that, use the current package

gen is the core of hight performance, it is easy to use , gen and packageName. If you add -r argument , it will read all code in children package(include children of children package, and so on).when gen tool read all code ,it will analyse where call query.XXXXX, and it will auto generate a file named xxxx_querygen.go in the same package.At last, compile all the code just as common and it work!

NOTICE,if you change the code in package , you should run gen tool again.

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz

BenchmarkQueryColumnHand-4                        215596              4776 ns/op     8192 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkQueryColumnMacro-4                       214627              4770 ns/op     8216 B/op          2 allocs/op
BenchmarkQueryColumnReflect-4                      50305             23254 ns/op     8296 B/op          5 allocs/op

BenchmarkQueryColumnMapHand-4                      17434             72615 ns/op   147480 B/op          2 allocs/op
BenchmarkQueryColumnMapMacro-4                     17889             71254 ns/op   147552 B/op          4 allocs/op
BenchmarkQueryColumnMapReflect-4                    9592            114374 ns/op   147608 B/op          6 allocs/op

BenchmarkQueryColumnMapSliceHand-4                  7903            154506 ns/op   145944 B/op       1002 allocs/op
BenchmarkQueryColumnMapSliceMacro-4                 6750            151835 ns/op   188649 B/op         12 allocs/op
BenchmarkQueryColumnMapSliceReflect-4               3522            314086 ns/op   212818 B/op       1018 allocs/op

BenchmarkQueryCombineHand-4                        37981             31381 ns/op    65536 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkQueryCombineMacro-4                       29568             37010 ns/op    65584 B/op          3 allocs/op
BenchmarkQueryCombineReflect-4                      1999            578415 ns/op        177657 B/op       3006 allocs/op

BenchmarkQueryGroupHand-4                           4983            201296 ns/op  195098 B/op       1003 allocs/op
BenchmarkQueryGroupMacro-4                         11942            104433 ns/op  155810 B/op         10 allocs/op
BenchmarkQueryGroupReflect-4                        1810            643851 ns/op  275994 B/op       4017 allocs/op

BenchmarkQueryJoinHand-4                            6081            180254 ns/op  256049 B/op       1031 allocs/op
BenchmarkQueryJoinMacro-4                           7669            132689 ns/op  156995 B/op         17 allocs/op
BenchmarkQueryJoinReflect-4                         1252            805528 ns/op  472557 B/op       4039 allocs/op

BenchmarkQuerySelectHand-4                        360092              3073 ns/op    1024 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkQuerySelectMacro-4                       204452              5238 ns/op    1048 B/op          2 allocs/op
BenchmarkQuerySelectReflect-4                       3679            301481 ns/op   26096 B/op       2004 allocs/op

BenchmarkQuerySortHand-4                            2088            490302 ns/op   57480 B/op          4 allocs/op
BenchmarkQuerySortMacro-4                           3784            321839 ns/op   57488 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkQuerySortReflect-4                         1339            833588 ns/op   57848 B/op         20 allocs/op

BenchmarkQueryWhereHand-4                          62037             17216 ns/op   57344 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkQueryWhereMacro-4                         49932             20469 ns/op   57368 B/op          2 allocs/op
BenchmarkQueryWhereReflect-4                        5196            233892 ns/op   25072 B/op       2003 allocs/op

ok       38.660s

In Benchmark case , auto generate code is fast as same as hand code. In some specify scence(group,join,sort),auto generate code is two times faster than hand code, because of very optimized algorithm and very careful memory allocate.If you want to know why,you should see the auto generate code




Efficient and convenient func for data processing.







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