My goal is to be able to covert some of my website's flask backend into a backend without changing my templates by too much. Doing so will make me a more proficient Rust programmer and I'll also be able to churn out a couple videos doign so.
A helpful command to debug faster
cargo 2>cargo.log
cargo install cargo-watch
cargo watch -x run
Rust Backend Development Part 1 - Creating an API Endpoint in Rocket
- Starting a Rocket project
- Variables including optional query variables
- Redirection
- URI Prefix for mounting
- Returning JSON
- Returning Two Responses
Rust Backend Development Part 2 - Making API Requests Inside Rocket Server
- State introduction
- Client builder (user agent)
- Client blocking issues
- Result error handling
- Making request and getting Json or text within async context
Rust Backend Development Part 3 - JSON Manipulation
- How to create a Json response from scratch
- Talk about [de] serialization
- how to create Arbitrary Json
- how to use values in Json
- how to add values to Json
- how to error handle with requests
Rust Backend Development Part 4 - Caching Function Results in Rocket Server
- Lecture on concurrency in Rust
- Using RwLock to cache endpoint results
- Arc is for multi threaded memory safety
- Mutex is for read and write exclusive access
- RwLock is for write exclusive access if multiple reads is allowed
- If you don't want to create a new type for each response, you can use an LRU Cache with a time to live (TTL) for functions but this is not as performative
- For me: look into ignite fairing to update cached respones in the background.
Rust Backend Development Part 5 - Serding Structs and Organizing the Codebase
Json serialize, deserialize, and manipulate Structs
Splitting up features into different files
Exporting routes and base paths from files
in from files other
Specifying a port using
[debug] port = 2000
Rust Backend Development Part 6 - Templates, Forms, Static Files
- Use Tera since syntax is jinja2 meaning portability with Python
- Creating a login page that extends a base template
- Optimize your templates in the future by using the askama engine
Processing form data with CSRF Protection
- Provide fail safe routes by using rank
Serving static files with path traversal protection
Rust Backend Development Part 7 - Integrating MongoDB
- Setting up MongoDB with Rocket
- Creating a REST API for blogging
- new
- edit
- delete
- posts
- posts/id
Rust Backend Development Part 8 - Authentication & Rate Limiting
- Hashing password with bcrypt
- Creating a user API
- Verifying if a user logged in correctly
- bcrypt
- Verifying an admin user
- Authenticated routes
- Redirecting non-admins to the login page
- Creating a new user with MongoDB
- Rate limiting for security
Rust Backend Development Part 10 - Hybrid Frontend with Templates and Webapp
- Rendering the blog page
- Conditional rendering an edit button
Rust Backend Development Part 11 - Background Functions
Rust Backend Development Part 12 - Calling Python Script or Code from Within
- Switch over to Rust immediately while relying on Python for key features
- Website or app will maintain feature set and Rust is used with a shorter waiting period
- Rely on Rust cache and commands instead of Python's lru cache
- Jinja2 parsing conversion
Rust Backend Developer Part 13 - Production Deployment (DevOps)
Create a secret key using
openssl rand -base64 32
or with Python:>>> import secrets >>> secrets.token_urlsafe(32)