Flyte v1.14.0 milestone release
Flyte 1.14.0 Release Notes
Support for FlyteDirectory as input to ContainerTask (#5715)
A significant update to the flytekit storage interface enables downloading multi-part blobs. This allows Flyte to copy a FlyteDirectory as an input to ContainerTasks, enabling higher flexibility in workflow development with raw containers.
Better handling of CORS in TLS connections (#5855)
When using Flyte with TLS certificates, CORS options were not enabled causing issues like the Flyte console UI not showing any project when multiple were created. This scenario came with relative frequency among users evaluating Flyte in non-production environments. Now, CORS will be enabled on TLS connections too.
Enhanced flexibility for Ray plugin configurations (#5933)
This release makes the configuration of RayJobs more flexible, letting you pass Pod specs independently for each Ray node type: Worker, Head, and Submitter. This enables you to declare configuration for each group to better align with your infrastructure requirements.
ray_config = RayJobConfig(
[WorkerNodeConfig(group_name="test_group", replicas=3, min_replicas=0, max_replicas=10,
k8s_pod=V1PodSpec (containers=[{name="ray-worker",
resources=V1ResourceRequirements(requests={....}, limits={....})])
resources=V1ResourceRequirements(requests={....}, limits={....}])),
runtime_env={"pip": ["numpy"]},
As Python 3.8 hit the End of Life period in October 2024, starting with this release, flytekit requires Python >=3.9.
Helm chart doesn't set theappProtocol
in the Service manifests by default anymore. This might affect deployments that use the Istio service mesh.
Full changelog
- Flyte docs overhaul (phase 1) by @neverett in #5772
- [Flyte][3][flytepropeller][Attribute Access][flytectl] Binary IDL With MessagePack by @Future-Outlier in #5763
- Update aws-go-sdk to v1.47.11 to support EKS Pod Identity by @mthemis-provenir in #5796
- Add minimal version to failure nodes docs by @eapolinario in #5812
- Add finalizer to avoid premature CRD Deletion by @RRap0so in #5788
- [Docs] Use Pure Dataclass In Example by @Future-Outlier in #5829
- Link to github for flytekit docs by @thomasjpfan in #5831
- Added the documentation about uniqueness of execution IDs by @Murdock9803 in #5828
- DOC-648 Add wandb and neptune dependencies by @neverett in #5842
- Update contributing docs by @neverett in #5830
- Update by @RaghavMangla in #5826
- [flytectl] Use Protobuf Struct as dataclass Input for backward compatibility by @Future-Outlier in #5840
- Add David as codeowner of deployment docs by @neverett in #5841
- Add an error for file size exceeded to prevent system retries by @wild-endeavor in #5725
- Add perian dependency for PERIAN plugin by @neverett in #5848
- [FlyteCopilot] Binary IDL Attribute Access Primitive Input by @Future-Outlier in #5850
- [Docs] Update for image spec/fast register notes by @wild-endeavor in #5726
- [Docs] add practical example to improve data management doc by @DenChenn in #5844
- Handle CORS in secure connections by @eapolinario in #5855
- Update Grafana User dashboard by @davidmirror-ops in #5703
- RFC: Community plugins by @davidmirror-ops in #5610
- Fix link to contributing docs by @Sovietaced in #5869
- [Docs] add streaming support example for file and directory by @DenChenn in #5879
- [Docs] Align Code lines of StructuredDataset with Flytesnacks Example by @JiangJiaWei1103 in #5874
- Sync client should call CloseSend when done sending by @RRap0so in #5884
- Upstream contributions from by @andrewwdye in #5769
- Remove duplicate recovery interceptor by @Sovietaced in #5870
- fix: failed to make scheduler under flyteadmin by @lowc1012 in #5866
- [Docs] Recover the expected behaviors of example workflows by @JiangJiaWei1103 in #5880
- Use child context in watchAgents to avoid goroutine leak by @pingsutw in #5888
- [docs]add cache information in raw containers doc by @popojk in #5876
- Clarify behavior of interruptible map tasks by @RaghavMangla in #5845
- [Docs] Simplifying for better user understanding by @10sharmashivam in #5878
- Update ray.go not to fail when going suspend state. by @aminmaghsodi in #5816
- Add dependency review gh workflow by @eapolinario in #5902
- [Docs] improve contribute docs by @DenChenn in #5862
- Fix and update by @taieeuu in #5873
- Add pod template support for init containers by @Sovietaced in #5750
- Update monitoring docs by @davidmirror-ops in #5903
- feat: add support for seedProjects with descriptions via seedProjectsWithDetails by @Terryhung in #5864
- Quick fix for monitoring docs YAML by @davidmirror-ops in #5917
- Added documentation about Fixed and unique domains by @Murdock9803 in #5923
- Remove unnecessary joins for list node and task execution entities in flyteadmin db queries by @katrogan in #5935
- Binary IDL Attribute Access for Map Task by @Future-Outlier in #5942
- Improve Documentation for Registering Workflows to avoid confusion by @sumana-2705 in #5941
- Added some CICD best practices to the documentation by @Murdock9803 in #5827
- [Docs]Document clarifying notes about the data lifecycle by @popojk in #5922
- fixed [Docs] Spot/interruptible docs imply retries come from the user… Closes #3956 by @ap0calypse8 in #5938
- Added new page under Data types and IO section for tensorflow_types in flyte documentation by @sumana-2705 in #5807
- Add basic SASL and TLS support for Kafka cloud events by @Sovietaced in #5814
- Fix broken links by @ppiegaze in #5946
- feat: improve registration patterns docs by @siiddhantt in #5808
- Improve literal type string representation handling by @pingsutw in #5932
- Update propeller sharding docs - types needs to be capitalized by @cpaulik in #5860
- fix: align the default config output by @Terryhung in #5947
- [Docs] Fix doc links to blob literal and type by @JiangJiaWei1103 in #5952
- Fix remaining misuses of capturing the default file descriptors in flytectl unit tests by @eapolinario in #5950
- Reduce where clause fanout when updating workflow, node & task executions by @katrogan in #5953
- [flyteadmin][API] get control plane version by @Future-Outlier in #5934
- Add multi file error aggregation strategy by @bgedik in #5795
- Fix: avoid log spam for log links generated during the pod's pending phase by @fg91 in #5945
- [Docs] Align Note with the Output Naming Convention by @JiangJiaWei1103 in #5919
- [DOC] add copy command examples and description by @mao3267 in #5782
- Hide generated launch plans starting with .flytegen in the UI by @troychiu in #5949
- Fix link in flyteidl by @amitani in #5957
- Fix indentation for security block in auth_setup.rst by @jkhales in #5968
- [copilot][flytedirectory] multipart blob download by @wayner0628 in #5715
- Mark NamedEntityState reserved enum values by @katrogan in #5975
- [flytepropeller] Add tests in v1alpha by @DenChenn in #5896
- fix(admin): validate cron expression in launch plan schedule by @peterxcli in #5951
- [flytectl][MSGPACK IDL] Gate feature by setting ENV by @Future-Outlier in #5976
- Ray Plugin - Use serviceAccount from Config if set by @peterghaddad in #5928
- DOC-666 Change "Accessing attributes" to "Accessing attributes in workflows" by @ppiegaze in #5886
- [Docs] Align code lines of TensorFlow types with flytesnacks by @JiangJiaWei1103 in #5983
- Decouple ray submitter, worker, and head resources by @Sovietaced in #5933
- [Upstream] [COR-2297/] Fix nested offloaded type validation (#552) by @pmahindrakar-oss in #5996
- docs(contribute): rewrite flyte contribute docs based on 4960 by @bearomorphism in #5260
- Upstream changes to fix token validity and utilizing inmemory creds source by @pmahindrakar-oss in #6001
- [Housekeeping] Enable lint flytecopilot by @wayner0628 in #6003
- Version flyte-binary helm chart and use flyte-binary-release docker images in releases by @eapolinario in #6010
- Docs rli bug by @cosmicBboy in #6008
- Remove unused environment variable by @bgedik in #5987
- Correct stow listing function by @bgedik in #6013
- Replace other instances of rli by @eapolinario in #6014
- Set HttpOnly and Secure flags in session cookies by @eapolinario in #5911
- Run CI in release branches by @eapolinario in #5901
- Update CODEOWNERS - remove nikki by @eapolinario in #6015
- Adopt protogetter by @eapolinario in #5981
- Add visibility control to dynamic log links by @pingsutw in #6000
- Bump from 4.5.0 to 4.5.1 by @dependabot in #6017
- Bump from 4.5.0 to 4.5.1 in /flyteadmin by @dependabot in #6020
- fix: return the config file not found error by @Terryhung in #5972
- Add option to install CRD as a part of chart install in flyte-binary by @marrrcin in #5967
- Deterministic error propagation for distributed (training) tasks by @fg91 in #5598
- Add DedupingBucketRateLimiter by @andrewwdye in #6025
- docs: update command for running the single binary by @machichima in #6031
- Inject offloading literal env vars by @eapolinario in #6027
- Fix Union type with dataclass ambiguous error and support superset comparison by @mao3267 in #5858
- [Fix] Add logger for compiler and marshal while comparing union by @mao3267 in #6034
- How to verify that the grpc service of flyteadmin works as expected by @popojk in #5958
- auto-update contributors by @flyte-bot in #3601
- [Docs] MessagePack IDL, Pydantic Support, and Attribute Access by @Future-Outlier in #6022
- Revert "[COR-2297/] Fix nested offloaded type validation (#552) (#5996)" by @eapolinario in #6045
- Bump docker/build-push-action to v6 by @lowc1012 in #5747
- Add a new AgentError field in the agent protos by @RRap0so in #5916
- Update contribute_code.rst by @davidlin20dev in #6009
- Mark execution mode enum reserved by @katrogan in #6040
- Add is_eager bit to indicate eager tasks in flyte system by @pmahindrakar-oss in #6041
- Fix: Make appProtocols optional in flyteadmin and flyteconsole services in helm chart by @fg91 in #5944
- Fix: customize demo cluster port by @vincent0426 in #5969
- helm: Add support for passing env variables to flyteadmin using envFrom by @ctso in #5216
- Adding support for downloading offloaded literal in copilot by @pmahindrakar-oss in #6048
- Add tolerations for extended resources by @troychiu in #6033
- [Docs][flyteagent] Added description of exception deletion cases. by @SZL741023 in #6039
- Update note about Terraform reference implementations by @davidmirror-ops in #6056
- Minor fixes to single-cloud page by @davidmirror-ops in #6059
- [Docs] Align sd code lines with Flytesnacks example by @JiangJiaWei1103 in #6063
- [copilot] rename sidecar to uploader by @wayner0628 in #6043
- add sub_node_interface field to array node by @pvditt in #6018
- [demo sandbox] Add env vars to plugin config by @wild-endeavor in #6072
- Fix inconsistent code examples in documentation by @davidlin20dev in #6077
- Support ArrayNode subNode timeouts by @hamersaw in #6054
- [WIP] docs: add raise user error section by @machichima in #6084
- Enable literal offloading in flyte-binary and flyte-core by @eapolinario in #6087
- Special-case type annotations to force cache invalidations for msgpack-binary literals by @eapolinario in #6078
- Regenerate flytectl docs by @neverett in #5914
- [ Docs ] fix: contribute link by @taieeuu in #6076
- Update single-binary.yml end2end_execute by @taieeuu in #6061
- fix: modify deprecated functions by @machichima in #6052
- Use an empty config file to produce docs by @eapolinario in #6092
New Contributors
- @mthemis-provenir made their first contribution in #5796
- @Murdock9803 made their first contribution in #5828
- @RaghavMangla made their first contribution in #5826
- @DenChenn made their first contribution in #5844
- @JiangJiaWei1103 made their first contribution in #5874
- @popojk made their first contribution in #5876
- @10sharmashivam made their first contribution in #5878
- @aminmaghsodi made their first contribution in #5816
- @taieeuu made their first contribution in #5873
- @Terryhung made their first contribution in #5864
- @sumana-2705 made their first contribution in #5941
- @ap0calypse8 made their first contribution in #5938
- @siiddhantt made their first contribution in #5808
- @mao3267 made their first contribution in #5782
- @amitani made their first contribution in #5957
- @jkhales made their first contribution in #5968
- @peterxcli made their first contribution in #5951
- @bearomorphism made their first contribution in #5260
- @marrrcin made their first contribution in #5967
- @machichima made their first contribution in #6031
- @davidlin20dev made their first contribution in #6009
- @vincent0426 made their first contribution in #5969
- @ctso made their first contribution in #5216
- @SZL741023 made their first contribution in #6039
Link to full changelog: v1.13.3...v1.14.0