Capsule is a simple command line utility to snapshot all calendars and contacts on a Nextcloud instance.
To install Capsule use the following steps and make sure that you have at least Python version 3.7.
# Clone the repository to your desired directory.
git clone && cd Capsule
# Install the poetry dependency manager for python.
pip3 install poetry
# Install all dependencies.
poetry install --no-dev
Define your servers, users, calendars and contacts to snapshot in a toml file with the following structure.
password = "<PASSWORD>"
calendar_names = ["<CALENDAR_NAME>", "..."]
ignore_contacts = false
You can define multiple servers, users and calendars. The name of a calendar can be found on your Nextcloud instance while hovering over the download button for some particular calendar.
After defining your config.toml you can snapshot all specified calendars and contacts with:
poetry run python capsule snapshot
For any additional information please consult the help messages with:
poetry run python capsule -h
poetry run python capsule snapshot -h
Make sure that your Nextcloud instance has a valid SSL certificate. Nextcloud instances without one are not supported as otherwise all users and passwords would be transmitted in clear text.
Additionally, make sure to secure the configuration file as there are passwords embedded inside. A possible way is to create a system user specifically for running this application and lock down file permissions.