Releases: formancehq/payments
Releases · formancehq/payments
Other work
- f82abda: chore(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action from 5.3.1 to 5.4.0 (#338) (@dependabot[bot])
- 154b5d0: chore(deps): bump from 2.22.2 to 2.23.0 (#350) (@dependabot[bot])
- 7cef2a4: chore(deps): bump (#347) (@dependabot[bot])
- dac56db: chore(deps): bump (#346) (@dependabot[bot])
- b8fff8d: chore(deps): bump from 0.27.0 to 0.28.0 (#342) (@dependabot[bot])
- a6fd81d: chore(deps): bump from 0.11.0 to 0.12.0 (#341) (@dependabot[bot])
- 9fe66f1: chore(deps): bump from 0.22.0 to 0.23.0 (#343) (@dependabot[bot])
- 60af2e3: chore: bump go-libs to have temporal encryption (#344) (@paul-nicolas)
- 6226d33: chore: update go libs in go mod (#352) (@paul-nicolas)
What to do next?
- Read the documentation
- Join our Slack server
New Features
- 420bf84: feat(pools): more filters when listing (#339) (@paul-nicolas)
- 34e5f39: feat(validation): Improve validation in post endpoints part 2 (#320) (@laouji)
- 4d1e9d3: feat(validation): Use validation library in API POST endpoints part 1 (#317) (@laouji)
Bug fixes
- 9463f8c: fix(api): merge info under the root of the api (#325) (@paul-nicolas)
- 95c3155: fix(mangopay): handle missing metadata as non-retryable error in (#336) (@laouji)
- 7243f2c: fix(openapi): Added country field on V3BankAccount (#331) (@BrieucCaillot)
- 3fa1d68: fix(openapi): v3 account name nullable (#332) (@BrieucCaillot)
Other work
- a7c5ea2: chore(deps): bump (#323) (@dependabot[bot])
- 5d5ae08: chore(deps): bump from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0 (#333) (@dependabot[bot])
- d3cc1c3: chore(deps): bump from 1.39.0 to 1.39.1 (#329) (@dependabot[bot])
- ee8f11a: chore(deps): bump from 1.8.1 to 1.9.1 (#324) (@dependabot[bot])
- 35a6f5e: chore(deps): bump from 1.2.9 to 1.2.10 (#328) (@dependabot[bot])
- 5888797: chore(deps): bump from 1.43.2 to 1.44.0 (#319) (@dependabot[bot])
- e896a88: chore(deps): bump from 1.44.0 to 1.44.1 (#321) (@dependabot[bot])
- 942ac66: chore(deps): bump from 1.44.1 to 1.45.0 (#335) (@dependabot[bot])
- bb39a85: chore(deps): bump from 0.26.0 to 0.27.0 (#334) (@dependabot[bot])
What to do next?
- Read the documentation
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New Features
- 4c4844e: feat(validation): Use validation library in API payments initiation endpoint (#308) (@laouji)
Bug fixes
- f6f0cc9: fix(debug): hide dummypay from configs response when not in debug mode (#316) (@laouji)
- 1fc4a78: fix(stripe): fix issues when making payouts and transfers using root account (#307) (@laouji)
Other work
- 9dc32b6: chore(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action from 5.1.2 to 5.3.1 (#296) (@dependabot[bot])
- 7195d91: chore(deps): bump from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1 (#312) (@dependabot[bot])
- b056c71: chore(deps): bump from 1.38.0 to 1.39.0 (#315) (@dependabot[bot])
- 2d9a967: chore(deps): bump from 0.25.0 to 0.26.0 (#311) (@dependabot[bot])
- 4407e10: chore(deps): bump from 0.10.0 to 0.11.0 (#314) (@dependabot[bot])
- cf76ec8: chore(deps): bump from 0.21.0 to 0.22.0 (#313) (@dependabot[bot])
- 82b671e: chore(deps): bump from 1.36.4 to 1.36.5 (#318) (@dependabot[bot])
What to do next?
- Read the documentation
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New Features
- 74373dd: feat(accounts): add provider in response (#290) (@paul-nicolas)
- c18f77b: feat(connectors): add query req body to list endpoints for SDK generation (#303) (@laouji)
- 1326df4: feat(schedules): add get endpoint for single schedule (#299) (@laouji)
Bug fixes
- 1dc8839: fix(atlar): fix payout creation and polling statuses (#305) (@paul-nicolas)
- 78e2b50: fix(balances): return empty list balances response instead of nil when no balances present (#291) (@laouji)
- 1582ce6: fix(bankingcircle): fix create payout method (#302) (@paul-nicolas)
- 4bb2363: fix(connectors): handle no results case from Stripe API list endpoints (#306) (@laouji)
- 1841401: fix(currencycloud): fixes after full testing (#297) (@paul-nicolas)
- d2cc090: fix(paymentinitiations): fix created at sent to the workflow (#301) (@paul-nicolas)
- 6f93a59: fix(payments): fill last status instead of first for payments (#292) (@paul-nicolas)
- c60dda9: fix(storage): fix payment list sorting (#298) (@paul-nicolas)
- 0a05349: fix(temporal): fix workflow id too long error (#304) (@paul-nicolas)
Other work
- 4668c26: chore(deps): bump (#295) (@dependabot[bot])
- 962bd00: chore(deps): bump (#294) (@dependabot[bot])
- d6830f1: chore(deps): bump from 1.36.1 to 1.36.4 (#289) (@dependabot[bot])
- cbe197a: feat (openapi): add missing schedules get endpoint to api spec (#300) (@laouji)
What to do next?
- Read the documentation
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Bug fixes
- 5565610: fix(openapi): fix missing data field for connector config (#287) (@paul-nicolas)
- edd68b5: fix(openapi): fix missing generation (#288) (@paul-nicolas)
What to do next?
- Read the documentation
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New Features
- c5af4d5: feat(configs): Simplify connector config definition to reduce boilerplate code (#262) (@laouji)
- 402b44a: feat(gitstart): add initial Dockerfile with Go base image (@flemzord)
- 328ae09: feat(temporal): add unit testing (#258) (@paul-nicolas)
- 52a20e8: feat(temporal): remove connector from db when failing to install (#282) (@paul-nicolas)
- f226034: feat(tools): add temporal tool to delete schedules and workflows (#256) (@paul-nicolas)
Bug fixes
- 0470740: fix(api): fix missing currency for v2 balances endpoint (#263) (@paul-nicolas)
- 8422142: fix(bankaccounts): fix missing omitempty json tag (#279) (@paul-nicolas)
- 7839668: fix(earthfile): fix missing list files when releasing (#275) (@paul-nicolas)
- 2c87bc0: fix(openapi): nullable state & added fix missing task status (#257) (@BrieucCaillot)
- 4dc8e66: fix(payments): fix after sdk testing from the team (#284) (@paul-nicolas)
- 1bb1c5b: fix(storage): de-duplicate payments when updating db (#286) (@paul-nicolas)
- ee5f8da: fix(temporal): fix already started run workflow (#283) (@paul-nicolas)
- 4b942f6: fix(temporal): fix infinite retry of workflow after uninstallation (#285) (@paul-nicolas)
- 6661edb: fix(temporal): fix schedule already running error (#281) (@paul-nicolas)
- 9c5a046: fix(temporal): remove duplicate schedule delete activities (#274) (@paul-nicolas)
- 20d5b81: fix(tools): fix compile config tool to generate connector configs (#277) (@paul-nicolas)
- e6ec3c0: fix(tools): fix connector template generation (#271) (@paul-nicolas)
- 291efa7: fix(workflow): fix workflow tasks returning too soon (#270) (@paul-nicolas)
- be87eb0: fix: (temporal) skip deleting workflows when they are already completed (#272) (@laouji)
- a0e0206: fix: add generated files to code-coverage ignore list (#273) (@laouji)
Other work
- 530220f: Add integration test for connector configs endpoint (#264) (@laouji)
- 348f561: chore(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.2.0 to 5.1.2 (#246) (@dependabot[bot])
- ef5ac75: chore(deps): bump from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2 (@dependabot[bot])
- b0918fe: chore(deps): bump from 1.4.2 to 1.4.3 (#259) (@dependabot[bot])
- d1a8073: chore(deps): bump from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4 (#265) (@dependabot[bot])
- b2f65ab: chore(deps): bump (#267) (@dependabot[bot])
- b41654b: chore(deps): bump from 1.43.0 to 1.43.1 (#260) (@dependabot[bot])
- 216b408: chore(deps): bump from 1.43.1 to 1.43.2 (#269) (@dependabot[bot])
- 51447ed: chore(deps): bump from 1.31.0 to 1.32.1 (#261) (@dependabot[bot])
- b824be6: chore(migrations): add more logs (#276) (@paul-nicolas)
What to do next?
- Read the documentation
- Join our Slack server
New Features
- dedc214: feat(payments): add activity max pollers flag (@paul-nicolas)
Other work
- 55e87e4: change default (@paul-nicolas)
- 645a74b: change deploy for workflow pollers also (@paul-nicolas)
What to do next?
- Read the documentation
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New Features
- 3b67420: feat(connector): fix reset connector api (@paul-nicolas)
- b15472e: feat(openapi): introduce v3 (@paul-nicolas)
- ad7a898: feat(openapi): override v3 name (@paul-nicolas)
- e605cb9: feat(service): add tests (@paul-nicolas)
- 3d65ac8: feat(storage): more tests (@paul-nicolas)
- 3b09502: feat(tool): add tool to generate openapi connector configs (@paul-nicolas)
- cf1b430: feat(tools): add connector code generation from template (@paul-nicolas)
- a464dbb: feat: (polling) add e2e test for new connector config update endpoint (@laouji)
- 7ddde6a: feat: (polling) add initial delay when being rate-limited by PSP (@laouji)
- e10af70: feat: (polling) add rate-limiting handling to connectors using SDKs (@laouji)
- 37b7b5f: feat: (polling) add v3 API endpoint for updating connector config (@laouji)
- dbef60c: feat: (polling) don't retry scheduled activities when rate-limited (@laouji)
- 6b231cc: feat: (polling) provide way to update connector configuration (@laouji)
- b899bf9: feat: (polling) reregister plugin if config has changed (@laouji)
- cb23586: feat: (polling) update generated mocks (@laouji)
- a5fe18d: feat: (temporal) allow configuration of rate limit retry delay (@laouji)
- cbca5d6: feat: (temporal) allow override of existing plugin configuration from onUpdate function (@laouji)
- 5bc43be: feat: (validation) set max body size for payments v3 connector config (@laouji)
- fee9380: feat: (validation) validate connector config prior to inserting into the DB (@laouji)
- e8e808a: feat: (validation) validate plugin-side connector config before db update (@laouji)
- a6c076b: feat: (worker) add healthcheck route for worker on configured port (@laouji)
- 380a0b4: feat: (worker) add payments-worker to Earthfile (@laouji)
- e5060b3: feat: (worker) add start and stop hooks to worker (@laouji)
- cbef379: feat: (worker) clean up flags definition (@laouji)
- a963682: feat: (worker) ensure connector engine only instantiated in payments service (@laouji)
- b351873: feat: (worker) remove api specific fx options from common options (@laouji)
- 3b14500: feat: (worker) reorganise common code in cmd package (@laouji)
- 087f622: feat: (worker) separate default worker pool name getter from adding worker to pool (@laouji)
- de3f84a: feat: (worker) spawn temporal workers only in payments-worker service (@laouji)
- 3aed7ef: feat: (worker) split out task queue util function from engine (@laouji)
- 1930e92: feat: (workers) add debug logs to worker notification handles (@laouji)
- 8d2d106: feat: (workers) use default task queue for everything to make it easier to migrate to a different worker strategy later (@laouji)
- 6cd4b1f: feat: update e2e tooling to spawn worker with same id as server (@laouji)
Bug fixes
- c54d2c1: fix(goreleaser): fix project name (@paul-nicolas)
- 49c3a4d: fix(imports): only use go-libs v2 (@paul-nicolas)
- aeb57be: fix(openapi): Add nullable on relatedPayments (@BrieucCaillot)
- 86a1073: fix(payments): fix missing delay when scheduling in the future (@paul-nicolas)
- b614a0b: fix(temporal): fix missing default worker (@paul-nicolas)
- 396652a: fix(temporal): fix missing reference storage error (@paul-nicolas)
- d7433ff: fix: (e2e) add a slightly longer timeout for pool creation (@laouji)
- 266ba4e: fix: (e2e) reverse statement so we wait for workflow completion before expecting a task to be marked as processed (@laouji)
- 0aad8f4: fix: (logging) stop using hclog in plugins (@laouji)
- ffe9fe2: fix: (metrics) address nitpicks (@laouji)
- 1fd90a3: fix: (metrics) ensure that adyen metrics are consistent with other connectors (@laouji)
- 0f61586: fix: (metrics) ensure that atlar metrics are consistent with other connectors (@laouji)
- 01c26eb: fix: (metrics) ensure that generic connector metrics are consistent with other connectors (@laouji)
- fe696c9: fix: (metrics) ensure that stripe metrics are consistent with other connectors (@laouji)
- c02ad3c: fix: (metrics) remove metrics attributes logic from non-metrics related packages (@laouji)
- 664a12f: fix: (metrics) remove metrics constant from httpwrapper package (@laouji)
- 6850621: fix: (metrics) remove redundant ClientOptions (@laouji)
- d9bb209: fix: (metrics) update connector templates (@laouji)
- 30e7a44: fix: (temporal) detect if polled activities were triggered by schedule before disabling retry (@laouji)
- 4418e36: fix: (uninstall) check if connector has been uninstalled before scheduling more workflows (@laouji)
- ca9893e: fix: adapt unit tests to activities signature change (@laouji)
- 916ba71: fix: add more aggressive http client timeout in e2e tests (@laouji)
- 0a72ef4: fix: address coderabbit comments (@laouji)
- 5591867: fix: adjust tests for update of plugin constructor (@laouji)
- 44de6e4: fix: ensure connector install v2 response is compatible to fctl (@laouji)
- 18f9f1c: fix: fix hang in test worker (@laouji)
- 4bbcaf1: fix: remove dead code (@laouji)
- 566bbca: fix: remove unused regexp (@laouji)
- 694763c: fix: send task periodicty as activity parameter instead of detecting schedule via workflow ID (@laouji)
- 7c9edd6: fix: undo redundant changes to Earthfile (@laouji)
- 81824f3: fix: update api tests now that validation logic has been moved to engine (@laouji)
- c1296ed: fix: update go version in docker-compose (@laouji)
Other work
- d2d3f32: Update internal/api/v2/utils.go (@laouji)
- a18420e: Update internal/connectors/httpwrapper/client.go (@paul-nicolas)
- 6b96d0c: Update tools/compile-configs/main.go (@paul-nicolas)
- 20481dd: add comment on openapi (@paul-nicolas)
- 077da2a: add comments (@paul-nicolas)
- 1c846bb: add e2e tests (@paul-nicolas)
- 079e038: add error handling for workers creation (@paul-nicolas)
- 7bdd9e1: add readme (@paul-nicolas)
- 48d8ea7: address coderabbit comments (@paul-nicolas)
- 0755212: chore(deps): bump from 0.12.0 to 0.13.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- 6f855df: chore(deps): bump from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 (@dependabot[bot])
- cbd7103: chore(deps): bump from 1.37.0 to 1.38.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- 3e0b54b: chore(deps): bump from 2.22.0 to 2.22.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- ca0fd87: chore(deps): bump from 2.22.1 to 2.22.2 (@dependabot[bot])
- 0ea2588: chore(deps): bump from 1.36.1 to 1.36.2 (@dependabot[bot])
- 78ccc8f: chore(deps): bump (@dependabot[bot])
- 2354706: chore(deps): bump (@dependabot[bot])
- 24386c3: chore(deps): bump (@dependabot[bot])
- b5c3d30: chore(deps): bump (@dependabot[bot])
- 8d710cb: chore(deps): bump (@dependabot[bot])
- 7f3fd23: chore(deps): bump from 0.23.0 to 0.24.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- a24ff64: chore(deps): bump from 0.24.0 to 0.25.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- 3c02a4d: chore(deps): bump fr...
New Features
- 989adde: feat(purge): add purge command to clean temporal (@paul-nicolas)
Bug fixes
- 2df9203: fix(pools): do not send event for deletion of not found pools (@paul-nicolas)
- e65214a: fix: add nolint:gosec for sha1 import since idempotency key is not constructed from sensitive data (@laouji)
- b2cbfd6: fix: standardize idempotency key length (@laouji)
- 2769f7f: fix: stop temporal from retrying when foreign key constraint prevents DB operation (@laouji)
Other work
- cf54551: chore(deps): bump from 5.1.0 to 5.2.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- 431c9fb: chore(deps): bump from 1.36.0 to 1.36.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- 4b44998: chore(deps): bump from 1.30.0 to 1.31.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- 34dfa1c: fix tests (@paul-nicolas)
What to do next?
- Read the documentation
- Join our Slack server
New Features
- aff4128: feat(accounts): add accounts creation via the API (@paul-nicolas)
- 9baa878: feat(all): Add scopes in OpenAPI files (#1700) (@flemzord)
- 1ca1c59: feat(api): add reverse transfer and payouts (@paul-nicolas)
- cc5c4f0: feat(atlar): add atlar connector (@paul-nicolas)
- 317ed1f: feat(auth): replace gorm by bun (#1133) (@gfyrag)
- 3b8f9e8: feat(bankingcircle): add transfer/payout creation (@paul-nicolas)
- e125e53: feat(bankingcircle): fix loop and add tests (@paul-nicolas)
- b147eff: feat(capability): use capability to create accounts/payments (@paul-nicolas)
- af968dc: feat(config): set a minimum polling period to 30s (@paul-nicolas)
- 0c9423e: feat(connector): add task for uninstallation (@paul-nicolas)
- 5764274: feat(connector): launch first tasks in background (@paul-nicolas)
- a070abe: feat(connectors): uninstall in background and send accepted (@paul-nicolas)
- 9e1aa2c: feat(currencycloud): add tests (@paul-nicolas)
- 049579c: feat(currencycloud): add transfer/payout and fix loops page size (@paul-nicolas)
- 83bbfd0: feat(currencycloud): add transfer/payout creation (@paul-nicolas)
- bccd613: feat(currencycloud): put client as interface (@paul-nicolas)
- 69b50a9: feat(engine): add reverse transfer and payout (@paul-nicolas)
- 74a8eba: feat(events): do not send an already sent event (@paul-nicolas)
- 3873d46: feat(fctl): Remove billing feature (#856) (@flemzord)
- a2a8e63: feat(fctl): add atlar config view and fix config marshalling (#1074) (@paul-nicolas)
- 9a74084: feat(fctl): add generic connector install (#1387) (@paul-nicolas)
- 7b3058a: feat(fctl): add missing payments api call and improve current ones (#1075) (@paul-nicolas)
- 9ac5af2: feat(fctl): fix/update payments endpoints (#554) (@paul-nicolas)
- b1e4b86: feat(flows): add hypermedia (#1059) (@gfyrag)
- 76e8cd5: feat(flows): add otlp at triggers level (#1058) (@gfyrag)
- 10e578d: feat(generic): fix loop and add tests (@paul-nicolas)
- f7b28fa: feat(install): do not sent 404 when config is invalid (@paul-nicolas)
- f056765: feat(it): load only required services for each test (#641) (@gfyrag)
- 33bf3a6: feat(kafka): add iam authentication (#1265) (@paul-nicolas)
- 9d96f88: feat(ledger): replace gin by chi and remove authorization options (#92) (@gfyrag)
- c62e077: feat(libs): introduce publisher circuit breaker (#1344) (@paul-nicolas)
- 501b9a1: feat(libs): update payments events (#1195) (@paul-nicolas)
- be56abf: feat(mangopay): simplify loops and add lots of tests (@paul-nicolas)
- 66eaa4d: feat(metrics): add go-libs hash from main branch (@laouji)
- cb09cb3: feat(metrics): add metrics to remaining functions following rebase (@laouji)
- eca23fa: feat(metrics): add operator metric attribute via context in httpwrapper (@laouji)
- bd1282f: feat(metrics): add operator metric attributes in adyen calls (@laouji)
- 3cdc743: feat(metrics): add operator metric attributes in bankingcircle calls (@laouji)
- 4bc459a: feat(metrics): add operator metric attributes in currencycloud calls (@laouji)
- 04f7430: feat(metrics): add operator metric attributes in generic connector calls (@laouji)
- 0e9b922: feat(metrics): add operator metric attributes in mangopay calls (@laouji)
- c31dd58: feat(metrics): add operator metric attributes in modulr calls (@laouji)
- b42048d: feat(metrics): add operator metric attributes in moneycorp calls (@laouji)
- 51316e8: feat(metrics): add operator metric attributes in stripe calls (@laouji)
- 51503f4: feat(metrics): add operator metric attributes in wise calls (@laouji)
- 653c635: feat(metrics): hardcode logger settings in plugins (@laouji)
- 7ad08e6: feat(metrics): measure req duration in httpwrapper by default (@laouji)
- da53ea5: feat(metrics): pass raw flags to Stripe plugin subprocess (@laouji)
- 07765cd: feat(metrics): update go-libs version to enable temporal SDK metrics (@laouji)
- 99df0ea: feat(modulr): add payout/transfer (@paul-nicolas)
- 6f42118: feat(operator): add awsRole parameter for postgres dsn (#1251) (@gfyrag)
- 2bbd1f5: feat(orchestration): add triggers (#959) (@gfyrag)
- a90a62c: feat(payment): add linked account when creating a bank account (#1057) (@paul-nicolas)
- aeb8c4c: feat(payments): Add initiating payments to Atlar connector (#944) (@lwagner-getmomo)
- 4d4b846: feat(payments): Add transactions vIBAN information (#1022) (@lwagner-getmomo)
- 4af754f: feat(payments): Add transfer initiation status updates (#1016) (@lwagner-getmomo)
- 1d7d8ee: feat(payments): Atlar connector: Add more bank details to Accounts (internal) and Payments (#1607) (@lwagner-getmomo)
- 08d7c48: feat(payments): Config polling rate for status of payment initiations (#1071) (@lwagner-getmomo)
- 90b5e32: feat(payments): Remove requirement for non-empty payment description (#1097) (@lwagner-getmomo)
- 21fca3b: feat(payments): add Adyen connector skeleton (#943) (@paul-nicolas)
- 11712f3: feat(payments): add CODEOWNERS file (@paul-nicolas)
- 4daafd7: feat(payments): add Stripe payments (@laouji)
- 56c27fa: feat(payments): add accounts filters using query builder (#1316) (@paul-nicolas)
- 5e4ef02: feat(payments): add adyen connector (@paul-nicolas)
- ec06db3: feat(payments): add adyen merchants account fetching (#990) (@paul-nicolas)
- 29a1c68: feat(payments): add adyen webhooks (standard) (#1002) (@paul-nicolas)
- e7bdd5c: feat(payments): add api account creation (#1438) (@paul-nicolas)
- d3aa668: feat(payments): add api and service tests (#918) (@paul-nicolas)
- 3bc80dc: feat(payments): add api traces (#1283) (@paul-nicolas)
- e74372a: feat(payments): add default values display for configs (#1325) (@paul-nicolas)
- d0f101f: feat(payments): add endpoint to update bank accounts metadata (#1207) (@paul-nicolas)
- 0f1ca35: feat(payments): add endpoint to update config of connectors (#1045) (@paul-nicolas)
- 41413e4: feat(payments): add filters for transfer-initiation (#584) (@paul-nicolas)
- 970c999: feat(payments): add generate command to Earthfile and regenerate API backend (@laouji)
- 7d0c543: feat(payments): add generic connector (#1367) (@paul-nicolas)
- dd9f16c: feat(payments): add hashicorp logger to all plugins (@paul-nicolas)
- 6f08b90: feat(payments): add links to get accounts for payments (#1056) (@paul-nicolas)
- fa2dfbe: feat(payments): add list accounts query in params also (#1475) (@paul-nicolas)
- 3bb6a16: feat(payments): add mangopay bank accounts creation (#1159) (@paul-nicolas)
- fa48925: feat(payments): add metadata for transfer initiations (#1069) (@paul-nicolas)
- 1585b8b: feat(payments): add metadata in accounts response (#950) (@paul-nicolas)
- 3e6053b: feat(payments): add missing companyID to ayden config and use *Plugin for consistency (@laouji)
- 0a275ea: feat(payments): add more extensive checks for various Stripe payments (@laouji)
- 28a8b10: feat(payments): add more filters for query payments (#1519) (@paul-nicolas)
- 7411fa8: feat(payments): add mutex to wise client to protect recipient cache (@laouji)
- afacefd: feat(payments): add original reference in psp payment (#1722) (@paul-nicolas)
- dbfa743: feat(payments): add otel traces everywhere (#112...