Releases: formancehq/webhooks
Releases · formancehq/webhooks
New Features
- 76a4f5a: feat(http): add IdempotencyKey in header if present (#70) (@paul-nicolas)
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New Features
- 59b5c99: feat: Update all deps (@flemzord)
- a10a905: feat: add update of configs (@gfyrag)
- 6f8adc7: feat: update openapi (@gfyrag)
- c6720e9: feat: update under go libs v2 (@gfyrag)
Bug fixes
Other work
- 4b5ffa2: chore(deps): bump tailscale/github-action from 2 to 3 (@dependabot[bot])
- 5351894: chore(workflows): add deploy stage to GitHub Actions workflow (@flemzord)
- 55f5c80: chore(workflows): enhance caching for Earthly commands (@flemzord)
- 8c2c437: chore: pre commit (@gfyrag)
- b672e39: chore: update .gitignore to exclude dist directory (@flemzord)
- d606e20: chore: update Earthfile and GitHub action configuration (@flemzord)
- 92d7989: chore: update Earthfile and GitHub action configuration (@flemzord)
- 8f4ca6c: chore: update Earthfile to use earthly v0.16.3 (@flemzord)
- 1b480cf: chore: update Earthly version and enhance deployment workflow (@flemzord)
- 78ab2d2: chore: update GitHub Actions workflow (@flemzord)
- efd941f: chore: upgrade under nix (@gfyrag)
- 3f86372: ci: Update deploy stage (@flemzord)
- 023d615: ci: Update release workflow to include impure flag in Nix command (@flemzord)
- a19c873: refactor(workflows): remove GitHub Container Registry login (@flemzord)
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New Features
- 52a1fb3: feat(all): Add scopes in OpenAPI files (#1700) (@flemzord)
- b8be88b: feat(kafka): add iam authentication (#1265) (@paul-nicolas)
- 93f1734: feat(openapi): treat all responses as speakeasy error (#1382) (@gfyrag)
- a1d925e: feat(operator): add awsRole parameter for postgres dsn (#1251) (@gfyrag)
- 0151438: feat(operator): add single stream mode for nats (#1443) (@gfyrag)
- 436d6cf: feat(sdk): Rework for use version in namespace (#1620) (@flemzord)
- 8f154f5: feat(webhook): add exponential backoff retry (#1073) (@ArnaudCalmettes)
- a16b839: feat(webhooks): ENG-459 give optional names to webhook configs (#1123) (@ArnaudCalmettes)
- 7688cd3: feat: Add new Docker Image (scratch) (#1101) (@flemzord)
- 7d78a56: feat: Add release flows for stack (#995) (@flemzord)
- c7bbb24: feat: Upgrade go libs (#1171) (@flemzord)
- 3275ffc: feat: add helm install && template validation (#1271) (@Dav-14)
- f4d0751: feat: add iam authentication for postgres (#1134) (@gfyrag)
- 63821cd: feat: add operator rework (#1098) (@gfyrag)
- ec9658d: feat: clean the mess (#1030) (@gfyrag)
- 430f769: feat: move api cursor to bunpaginate package (#1343) (@gfyrag)
- 63d92cf: feat: use main for earthly core (#1290) (@gfyrag)
- e2caa0d: feat: wallets ledger v1 (#1001) (@gfyrag)
Bug fixes
- 7dc31de: fix(earthly): bump core tag to fix deploy issue (#1647) (@paul-nicolas)
- 8744803: fix(gateway): Use public url for Gateway < v2.0.0 (#1143) (@flemzord)
- 72da92a: fix(webhooks): retries on deleted configs (#1548) (@gfyrag)
- 6beef8d: fix(webhooks): single container deployments (#1170) (@gfyrag)
- ccdb94a: fix: Update version format in .goreleaser.yml files to include 'v' pr… (#1511) (@flemzord)
- 00343c3: fix: earthfiles (#1199) (@gfyrag)
- 0758477: fix: earthly core (#1260) (@gfyrag)
- c64833d: fix: helm strict validation (#1277) (@Dav-14)
- d46c103: fix: logger formanting, add http middleware (#1322) (@Dav-14)
- 4fbbe85: fix: migration collection (#1677) (@gfyrag)
Other work
- 02db44e: chore(all): deploy on staging with argocd (#1371) (@Dav-14)
- 1b551cb: chore(deps): bump from 0.4.4 to 0.4.6 in /ee/webhooks (#970) (@dependabot[bot])
- 942cab5: chore(deps): bump from 0.10.0 to 0.17.0 in /ee/webhooks (#971) (@dependabot[bot])
- 5bf9536: chore(deps): bump the go_modules group across 10 directories with 2 updates (#1331) (@dependabot[bot])
- 710a224: chore(deps): bump the go_modules group across 16 directories with 4 updates (#1328) (@dependabot[bot])
- 925cf96: chore(deps): bump the go_modules group across 4 directories with 4 updates (#1698) (@dependabot[bot])
- 0152450: chore(deps): bump the go_modules group across 9 directories with 1 update (#1348) (@dependabot[bot])
- ee78fac: chore(deps): bump the go_modules group across 9 directories with 5 updates (#1693) (@dependabot[bot])
- 8809071: chore(webhook): remove docker compose config (#1064) (@ArnaudCalmettes)
- f7996ea: chore: Add posibility to use --auto-skip with earthly (#1505) (@flemzord)
- 7bdfcfe: chore: Update Earthly & Add deploy in staging (#1046) (@flemzord)
- 4aa0cc9: chore: Update GoReleaser (@flemzord)
- 7f7de8e: chore: bump eartfile to 0.8 version (#1496) (@Dav-14)
- 767d468: chore: extends release process (#1484) (@gfyrag)
- 01a4a70: chore: improve integration testing capabilities (#1652) (@gfyrag)
- 4dfda73: chore: simplify viper usage (#1240) (@gfyrag)
- eed8c2c: chore: upgrade dependencies (#1712) (@gfyrag)
- ae63ffd: ci: Build multi-image base (@flemzord)
- c9ff126: feat(*): add licence system (#1424) (@paul-nicolas)
- 283c846: feat(*): add request/response of http requests in all services when debug is enabled (#1526) (@gfyrag)
- 68c8af3: feat(*): homogenerous migrations commands (#1203) (@gfyrag)
- 5f370d0: feat(*): move auth in services instead of gateway (#1099) (@paul-nicolas)
- 64bc7a8: refactor(go-libs): Move to dedicated repository (#1709) (@flemzord)
- 7d4341c: refactor: Switch from monorepo (@flemzord)
- 3b6589e: release: Add releases flows (#1070) (@flemzord)
- 58e7eb4: release: v2.0.0-beta.2 (@flemzord)
- c1ff94e: test(ledger): add test server (#1678) (@gfyrag)
What to do next?
- Read the documentation
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Other work
- 89efc33: chore: general update (#43) (@antoinegelloz)
Full Changelog: v0.5.1...v0.6.0
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fix: Inactive configs are sending webhooks (#42)
Bug fixes
- 0d854a2: fix: http client for worker (@antoinegelloz)
- a6a88e3: fix: revert retries renaming (@antoinegelloz)
Other work
- fd16927: chore: first (@antoinegelloz)
- 8e9e0b4: chore: first (@antoinegelloz)
- 7273a1a: chore: remove httprouter (@antoinegelloz)
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0
What to do next?
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Bug fixes
- afca2ec: fix: missing id in API Config responses (@antoinegelloz)
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.4.0
What to do next?
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Bug fixes
- afca2ec: fix: missing id in API Config responses (@antoinegelloz)
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.3.2
What to do next?
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Bug fixes
- a2ec500: fix: messages useless store of kafka records (@antoinegelloz)
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.3.1
What to do next?
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New Features
- 4b5dfe2: feat: New webhook testing route (#40) (@antoinegelloz)
Bug fixes
- f9e64ea: fix: Rework API responses (#39) (@antoinegelloz)
- ce5693b: fix: missing id in API Config responses (@antoinegelloz)
Other work
- 6954191: chore: install pre-commit (@antoinegelloz)
- 7783e22: chore: with pre-commit (@antoinegelloz)
Full Changelog: v0.2.4...v0.3.0
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