A simple client for overpass that uses ktor-client
and kotlinx.serialization
for parsing JSON responses.
We are using this at FORMATION to be able to run some simple queries against OpenStreetMap.
This library is published to our own maven repository.
repositories {
maven("https://maven.tryformation.com/releases") {
// optional but it speeds up the gradle dependency resolution
content {
And then you can add the dependency:
// check the latest release tag for the latest version
Look up the latest release from the releases on Github.
To use, add the client dependency to your project. If you are not using Java, also add a suitable ktor client implementation for your platform.
import java.net.http.HttpClient
// has some optional parameters for the endpoint and other things
val client = OverpassClient(
// pick a ktor client for your platform and make sure to add the dependencies for that
// see here for selecting the right client for your platform
// https://ktor.io/docs/eap/client-engines.html#java
httpClient = HttpClient(Java),
overpassEndpoint = "https://overpass.kumi.systems/api/interpreter"
// define a query
val toiletsBboxKoelnCenter = """
| node[amenity=toilets]
| (50.91775326845564,6.9158935546875,50.95410145108779,6.979408264160155);
| way[amenity=toilets]
| (50.91775326845564,6.9158935546875,50.95410145108779,6.979408264160155);
|out body;
|out body;
// returns a feature collection
val featureCollection = client.getGeoJson(toiletsBboxKoelnCenter)
// or copy it somewhere like geojson.io to view on a map
// you can also get parse overpass response if you want.
val overpassResponse = client.callAndParse(toiletsBboxKoelnCenter)
val rawString = client.call(toiletsBboxKoelnCenter)
Please be mindful of not running expensive queries needlessly when testing against the public overpass servers or run your own server if possible.
It's a multi-platform project, so you can build it for IOS, Android, JVM, Browser/Node.js, etc. Wasm support is currently blocked on a few libraries not having wasm builds yet.
Quick and dirty job as I needed a client and a parser. But it should work fine as long as you ask overpass for json.
I might build out more features here later. But for now this serves my needs.
- Relations are not fully supported for geojson yet (TODO)
FORMATION is a Berlin based company that is empowering workforces around the world with maps.