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REST with Clean Architecture for Go


Inspired by swaggest/rest




Go struct with field tags defines input.

// Declare input port type.
type helloInput struct {
    Locale string `query:"locale" default:"en-US" pattern:"^[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}$" enum:"zh-CN,en-US"`
    Name   string `path:"name" minLength:"3"` // Field tags define parameter location and JSON schema constraints.

    _      struct{} `title:"My Struct" description:"Holds my data."`

Input data can be located in:

  • path parameter in request URI, e.g. /users/:name,
  • query parameter in request URI, e.g. /users?locale=en-US,
  • form parameter in request body with application/x-www-form-urlencoded content,
  • formData parameter in request body with multipart/form-data content,
  • json parameter in request body with application/json content,
  • cookie parameter in request cookie,
  • header parameter in request header.

Field tags

  • number maximum, exclusiveMaximum, minimum, exclusiveMinimum, multipleOf
  • string minLength, maxLength, pattern, format
  • array minItems, maxItems, uniqueItems
  • all title, description, default, const, enum

Additional field tags describe JSON schema constraints, please check documentation.


// Declare output port type.
type helloOutput struct {
    Now     time.Time `header:"X-Now" json:"-"`
    Message string    `json:"message"`
    Sess    string    `cookie:"sess,httponly,secure,max-age=86400,samesite=lax"`

Output data can be located in:

  • json for response body with application/json content,
  • header for values in response header,
  • cookie for cookie values, cookie fields can have configuration in field tag (same as in actual cookie, but with comma separation).


Advance Example

package main

import (


func main() {
	s := rest.NewService()
	s.OpenAPI.Info.WithTitle("Basic Example")
	s.GET("/hello/{name}", hello())

	// Swagger UI endpoint at /docs.

	// Start server.

func hello() rest.Interactor {
	// Declare input port type.
	type input struct {
		Name   string   `path:"name" minLength:"3"` // Field tags define parameter
		Locale string   `query:"locale" default:"en-US" pattern:"^[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}$" enum:"zh-CN,en-US"`
		_      struct{} `title:"My Struct" description:"Holds my data."`

	// Declare output port type.
	type output struct {
		Now     time.Time `header:"X-Now" json:"-"`
		Message string    `json:"message"`

	messages := map[string]string{
		"en-US": "Hello, %s!",
		"zh-CN": "你好, %s!",
	return rest.NewHandler(func(c echo.Context, in input, out *output) error {
		msg := messages[in.Locale]
		out.Now = time.Now()
		out.Message = fmt.Sprintf(msg, in.Name)
		return nil