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Create Test Token WMCG #85

Create Test Token WMCG

Create Test Token WMCG #85

Workflow file for this run

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

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GitHub Actions / .github/workflows/tests.yml

Invalid workflow file

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// Import OpenZeppelin's ERC-20 implementation
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
contract WerMarConsultingToken is ERC20, Ownable {
// Constructor: Initialize the token with a name, symbol, and initial supply
constructor(uint256 initialSupply) ERC20("WerMarConsulting", "WMC") {
// Mint the initial supply to the deployer's address
_mint(msg.sender, initialSupply * 10 ** decimals());
// Optional: Add a function to mint more tokens (only callable by the owner)
function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public onlyOwner {
_mint(to, amount);
// Optional: Add a function to burn tokens (anyone can burn their own tokens)
function burn(uint256 amount) public {
_burn(msg.sender, amount);
npm install --save-dev hardhat
npm install @openzeppelin/contracts
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
// Import OpenZeppelin's ERC-20 implementation
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
contract WerMarConsultingToken is ERC20, Ownable {
// Constructor: Initialize the token with a name, symbol, and initial supply
constructor(uint256 initialSupply) ERC20("WerMarConsulting", "WMC") {
// Mint the initial supply to the deployer's address
_mint(msg.sender, initialSupply * 10 ** decimals());
// Optional: Add a function to mint more tokens (only callable by the owner)
function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public onlyOwner {
_mint(to, amount);
// Optional: Add a function to burn tokens (anyone can burn their own tokens)
function burn(uint256 amount) public {
_burn(msg.sender, amount);
Compiled 1 Solidity file successfully
const hre = require("hardhat");
async function main() {
const [deployer] = await hre.ethers.getSigners();
console.log("Deploying contracts with the account:", deployer.address);
const initialSupply = 1000000; // 1 million tokens
const WMC = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("WerMarConsultingToken");
const wmc = await WMC.deploy(initialSupply);
await wmc.deployed();
console.log("WMC Token deployed to:", wmc.address);
main().catch((error) => {
process.exitCode = 1;
const hre = require("hardhat");
async function main() {
const [deployer] = await hre.ethers.getSigners();
console.log("Deploying contracts with the account:", deployer.address);
const initialSupply = 1000000; // 1 million tokens
const WMC = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("WerMarConsultingToken");
const wmc = await WMC.deploy(initialSupply);
await wmc.deployed();
console.log("WMC Token deployed to:", wmc.address);
main().catch((error) => {
process.exitCode = 1;
// Import the ERC-20 implementation from @openzeppelin/contracts
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/SafeMath.sol";
contract MyToken is SafeMath {
// Use safe arithmetic operations with `SafeMath`
$ npx hardhat node
Started HTTP and WebSocket JSON-RPC server at
Account #0: 0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266 (10000 ETH)
Private Key: 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80
Account #1: 0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8 (10000 ETH)
Private Key: 0x59c6995e998f97a5a0044966f0945389dc9e86dae88c7a8412f4603b6b78690d
run: npm test
CI: true