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Restore MySQL driver and fix ordering problem (links-lang#858)
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add -linkall flag which makes mysql plugin happy

make the database tests deterministic

fix inconsistent ordering behavior

add configs for other drivers

cleanup fix of ordering

implement insert returning correctly for mysql, sqlite3

add efficient polymorphic append-only buffers

avoid need for extra list reverse in sqlite3

add test that large database results can be obtained (constructing lists whose length > OCaml's stack bound)

fix performance bug in mysql driver

add test for null integer handling
  • Loading branch information
jamescheney authored and frank-emrich committed Sep 16, 2020
1 parent a370aef commit a43051b
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Showing 30 changed files with 259 additions and 153 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ BUILD_DIR:=$(ROOT)/_build
# The build command and some standard build system flags
BUILD=dune build
# Note: this relies on lazy expansion of `SOURCES'.
COMMON_FLAGS=--only-packages $(SOURCES) --build-dir=$(BUILD_DIR)
DEV_FLAGS=$(COMMON_FLAGS) --profile=dev
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23 changes: 4 additions & 19 deletions core/
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@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
open List
open CommonTypes
open Utility

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,13 +90,10 @@ let execute_insert_returning returning q db =
match result#status with
| `QueryOk ->
let rows = result#get_all_lst in
match rows with
| [[id]] -> Value.box_int (int_of_string id)
| _ ->
raise (runtime_error ("Returned the wrong number of results executing " ^ q))
if result#nfields = 1 && result#ntuples = 1
then (* returning field has to be of type int *)
Value.box_int (int_of_string (result#getvalue 0 0))
else raise (runtime_error ("Returned the wrong number of results executing " ^ q))
| `QueryError msg ->
raise (runtime_error ("An error occurred executing the query " ^ q ^ ": " ^ msg))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,8 +145,6 @@ let result_signature field_types result =
in build rs []

(* BUG: Lists can be too big for; need to be careful about recursion *)

let execute_select_result
(field_types:(string * Types.datatype) list) (query:string) (db: database) =
let _ = Debug.print ("Running query: \n" ^ query) in
Expand All @@ -174,12 +168,3 @@ let execute_select
: Value.t =
let result,rs = execute_select_result field_types query db in
build_result (result,rs)

let execute_untyped_select (query:string) (db: database) : Value.t =
let result = (db#exec query) in
(match result#status with
| `QueryOk ->
`List (map (fun row -> `List (map Value.box_string row)) result#get_all_lst)
| `QueryError msg ->
raise (runtime_error ("An error occurred executing the query " ^ query ^ ": " ^ msg)))
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions core/database.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,5 @@ val build_result : Value.dbvalue * (string * (Types.datatype * int)) list -> Val
fieldname -> fieldtype. *)
val execute_select : (string * Types.datatype) list -> string -> Value.database -> Value.t

val execute_untyped_select : string -> Value.database -> Value.t

val execute_insert_returning : string -> Sql.query -> Value.database -> Value.t

63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1458,3 +1458,66 @@ struct
(sequence xs) >>= fun xs ->
Lwt.return (x :: xs)

(* efficient polymorphic buffers *)
(* builds an array of n pages of size m, with some initial dummy value *)
(* allows random access reading/writing and appending at the end *)
module PolyBuffer : sig
type 'a buf
val init : int -> int -> 'a -> 'a buf
val length : 'a buf -> int
val get : 'a buf -> int -> 'a
val set : 'a buf -> int -> 'a -> unit
val append : 'a buf -> 'a -> unit
val to_list : 'a buf -> 'a list
end =
type 'a buf = {mutable numpages: int;
pagesize: int;
default: 'a;
mutable currpage: int;
mutable nextitem: int;
mutable pages:'a
array array}

let init n m x = {numpages = n;
pagesize = m;
default = x;
currpage = 0;
nextitem = 0;
pages = Array.init n (fun _ -> Array.init m (fun _ -> x)) }

let length buf = buf.currpage*buf.pagesize + buf.nextitem

let set buf i x =
if 0 <= i && i < buf.currpage*buf.pagesize + buf.nextitem
then Array.set (Array.get buf.pages (i/buf.pagesize)) (i mod buf.pagesize) x
else raise Not_found

let get buf i =
if 0 <= i && i < buf.currpage*buf.pagesize + buf.nextitem
then Array.get (Array.get buf.pages (i/buf.pagesize)) (i mod buf.pagesize)
else raise (Invalid_argument "index out of bounds")

let append buf x =
(* first, check if there is enough space or allocation is needed *)
if (buf.nextitem = buf.pagesize)
then begin
buf.nextitem <- 0;
buf.currpage <- buf.currpage+1;
if (buf.currpage = buf.numpages)
then begin (* need to allocate a new page and copy over *)
buf.numpages <- buf.numpages+1;
let newpages = Array.init buf.numpages (fun i ->
if i < Array.length(buf.pages)
then Array.get buf.pages i
else Array.init buf.pagesize (fun _ -> buf.default)) in
buf.pages <- newpages
Array.set (Array.get buf.pages buf.currpage) buf.nextitem x;
buf.nextitem <- buf.nextitem + 1

let to_list buf = List.init (length buf) (get buf)
31 changes: 8 additions & 23 deletions core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,34 +36,19 @@ class virtual dbvalue = object (self)
method virtual nfields : int
method virtual ntuples : int
method virtual fname : int -> string
method virtual get_all_lst : string list list
method map : 'a. ((int -> string) -> 'a) -> 'a list = fun f ->
let max = self#ntuples in
let rec do_map n acc =
if n < max
then (
do_map (n+1) (f (self#getvalue n)::acc)
else acc
in do_map 0 []
List.init (self#ntuples) (fun i -> f (self#getvalue i))
method map_array : 'a. (string array -> 'a) -> 'a list = fun f ->
let max = self#ntuples in
let rec do_map n acc =
if n < max
then (
do_map (n+1) (f (self#gettuple n)::acc)
else acc
in do_map 0 []
List.init (self#ntuples) (fun i -> f (self#gettuple i))
method fold_array : 'a. (string array -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a = fun f x ->
let max = self#ntuples in
let rec do_fold n acc =
if n < max
then (
do_fold (n+1) (f (self#gettuple n) acc)
else acc
in do_fold 0 x method virtual map : 'a. ((int -> string) -> 'a) -> 'a list
if n < max
then (
do_fold (n+1) (f (self#gettuple n) acc)
else acc
in do_fold 0 x
method virtual getvalue : int -> int -> string
method virtual gettuple : int -> string array
method virtual error : string
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion core/value.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ class virtual dbvalue :
method virtual error : string
method virtual fname : int -> string
method virtual get_all_lst : string list list
method virtual nfields : int
method virtual ntuples : int
method map : 'a. ((int -> string) -> 'a) -> 'a list
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
(jbuild_version 1)

((name links_mysql)
(name links_mysql)
(public_name links-mysql)
(synopsis "MySQL database backend for Links")
(wrapped false)
(flags (:standard -safe-string -dtypes -w Ae-44-45-60 -g -cclib -lunix -thread))
(libraries (mysql links))))
(libraries mysql links.core))

((section share)
(files (links_mysql_dependencies.json))
(package links-mysql)))
(section share)
(files links_mysql_dependencies.json)
(package links-mysql))
51 changes: 26 additions & 25 deletions database/mysql-driver/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
open Mysql
open Links_core
open Utility

let string_of_error_code = function
| Aborting_connection -> "Aborting connection"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,18 +203,23 @@ object
method show = pretty_type thing

let slurp (fn : 'a -> 'b option) (source : 'a) : 'b list =
let rec obtain output =
match fn source with
| None -> output
| Some value -> obtain (value :: output)
let iterUntilNone (fn : unit -> 'b option) (g : 'b -> unit) : unit =
let rec iterate () =
match fn () with
| None -> ()
| Some value -> g value; iterate()
List.rev (obtain [])
iterate ()

class mysql_result (result : result) db = object
inherit Value.dbvalue
val rows = ref None
method status : Value.db_status =
val result_buf =
if size result > Int64.of_int(0)
then let buf = PolyBuffer.init 1 1024 (Array.init 0 (fun _ -> None)) in
iterUntilNone (fun () -> fetch result) (PolyBuffer.append buf);
else PolyBuffer.init 0 1 (Array.init 0 (fun _ -> None))
method status : Value.db_status =
match status db with
| StatusOK | StatusEmpty -> `QueryOk
| StatusError c -> `QueryError (string_of_error_code c)
Expand All @@ -222,22 +229,13 @@ class mysql_result (result : result) db = object
Int64.to_int(size result)
method fname n : string =
(Utility.val_of (fetch_field_dir result n)).name
method get_all_lst : string list list =
match !rows with
| None ->
let toList row = (Utility.from_option "!!NULL!!") (Array.to_list row) in
let r = toList (slurp fetch result)
rows := Some r;
| Some r -> r
method getvalue : int -> int -> string = fun n f ->
to_row result (Int64.of_int n);
Utility.val_of ((Utility.val_of (fetch result)).(f))
let row = PolyBuffer.get result_buf n in
(* TODO: Handle nulls better *)
Utility.from_option "" (row.(f))
method gettuple : int -> string array = fun n ->
to_row result (Int64.of_int n); Utility.val_of (Utility.val_of(fetch result))
let row = PolyBuffer.get result_buf n in (Utility.from_option "") row
method error : string =
Utility.val_of (errmsg db)
Expand All @@ -257,9 +255,12 @@ class mysql_database spec = object(self)
"`" ^ Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "`") "``" f ^ "`"

method! make_insert_returning_query : string -> Sql.query -> string list =
fun _returning q ->
assert (match q with | Sql.Insert _ -> true | _ -> false);
[self#string_of_query None q; "select last_insert_id()"]
fun returning q ->
match q with
Sql.Insert ins ->
[self#string_of_query q;
Printf.sprintf "select %s from %s where _rowid = last_insert_id()" returning ins.ins_table]
| _ -> assert false

method supports_shredding () = false
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion database/pg-driver/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class pg_dbresult (pgresult:Postgresql.result) = object
method nfields : int = original#nfields
method ntuples : int = original#ntuples
method fname : int -> string = original#fname
method get_all_lst : string list list = pgresult#get_all_lst
(*TODO: better handling of NULLs *)
method getvalue : int -> int -> string = pgresult#getvalue
method gettuple : int -> string array = pgresult#get_tuple
method error : string = original#error
Expand Down
43 changes: 29 additions & 14 deletions database/sqlite3-driver/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ let error_as_string = function
| Rc.DONE -> "done"
| Rc.UNKNOWN e -> "unknown: "^ string_of_int (Rc.int_of_unknown e)

(* TODO: Better NULL handling *)
let data_to_string data =
match data with
Data.NONE -> ""
Expand All @@ -45,36 +47,41 @@ let data_to_string data =
| Data.TEXT s | Data.BLOB s -> s

class lite3_result (stmt: stmt) = object
inherit Value.dbvalue
val result_list_and_status =
let rec get_results (results,status) =

val result_buf_and_status =
let result_buf = PolyBuffer.init 1 1024 [] in
let rec get_results (status) =
match status with
`QueryOk -> (
match step stmt with
Rc.OK|Rc.ROW ->
let data = Array.to_list (row_data stmt) in
let row = data_to_string data in
get_results (row::results,`QueryOk )
PolyBuffer.append result_buf row;
get_results `QueryOk
| Rc.DONE ->
| e -> results, `QueryError (error_as_string e)
| e -> `QueryError (error_as_string e)
| _ -> (results,status)
| _ -> (status)
get_results ([],`QueryOk)
(result_buf,get_results (`QueryOk))

method status : Value.db_status = snd(result_list_and_status)
method nfields : int = column_count stmt
method ntuples : int = List.length (fst result_list_and_status)
method status : Value.db_status = snd(result_buf_and_status)
method nfields : int = column_count stmt
method ntuples : int = PolyBuffer.length (fst result_buf_and_status)
method fname n : string = column_name stmt n
method get_all_lst : string list list = fst(result_list_and_status)
(*method get_all_lst : string list list = PolyBuffer.to_list (fst result_buf_and_status)*)
method getvalue : int -> int -> string = fun n i ->
List.nth(List.nth (fst(result_list_and_status)) n) i
List.nth(PolyBuffer.get (fst result_buf_and_status) n) i
method gettuple : int -> string array = fun n ->
Array.of_list(List.nth (fst(result_list_and_status)) n)
Array.of_list(PolyBuffer.get (fst result_buf_and_status) n)
method error : string =
match snd(result_list_and_status) with
match (snd result_buf_and_status) with
`QueryError(msg) -> msg
| `QueryOk -> "OK"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,6 +122,14 @@ class lite3_database file = object(self)
| _ -> _supports_shredding <- Some false; false
| _ -> false
method! make_insert_returning_query : string -> Sql.query -> string list =
fun returning q ->
match q with
Sql.Insert ins ->
[self#string_of_query q;
Printf.sprintf "select %s from %s where rowid = last_insert_rowid()" returning ins.ins_table]
| _ -> assert false


let driver_name = "sqlite3"
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
-warn-error -a ;; Do not treat warnings as errors.
-w A-4-42-44-45-48-60-67 ;; Ignores warnings 4, 42, 44, 45, 48, 60, and 67.
-g ;; Adds debugging information to the resulting executable / library.
(flags (:standard
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion examples/relational_lenses/config
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion examples/relational_lenses/config.sample
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@

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