This repository contains the pyramid_chart
ado file for creating population pyramid charts in Stata. The pyramid_chart
program allows you to create informative population pyramids, a type of graph that shows the distribution of a population by age groups and sex.
- Generates population pyramids based on numeric and categorical variables.
- Allows customization of decimal places for percentage labels.
- Supports additional
graph options for further customization.
To install the pyramid_chart
program, download the pyramid_chart.ado
and pyramid_chart.sthlp
files and place them in your Stata ado directory or your working directory. You can find or set your Stata ado path using the adopath
command in Stata.
The pyramid_chart
program supports additional options that can be passed to the twoway
graph command for further customization. All options for twoway
in stata should work, with the exception of legend()
, xlabel
, ylabel
which are produced using existing labels from the variables passed into the syntax.
Here is an example of how to use the pyramid_chart
The following example reshapes the dataset into a long dataset containing the three required variables: population, sex, and agegrp.
sysuse pop2000.dta, clear
keep agegrp maletotal femtotal
rename maletotal population1
rename femtotal population2
reshape long population, i(agegrp) j(sex)
label define sexlbl 1 "Male" 2 "Female"
label values sex sexlbl
label variable population "Population"
label variable sex "Sex"
pyramid_chart population, over(agegrp) by(sex) dec(0)
The following example reshapes the dataset into a long dataset containing the three required variables: population, sex, and agegrp, and then adds some options from the twoway_options for additional formatting.
sysuse pop2000.dta, clear
keep agegrp maletotal femtotal
rename maletotal population1
rename femtotal population2
reshape long population, i(agegrp) j(sex)
label define sexlbl 1 "Male" 2 "Female"
label values sex sexlbl
label variable population "Population"
label variable sex "Sex"
pyramid_chart population, over(agegrp) by(sex) dec(1) title("Population Pyramid for year 2000") subtitle("in percentages") xtitle("Percentage") ytitle("Age groups")
Detailed documentation for the pyramid_chart
program is available in the pyramid_chart.sthlp file. You can access it in Stata using the help command:
help pyramid_chart
Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue on GitHub. If you'd like to contribute code, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.