This is a Babel preset of other presets and plugins that I most commonly use.
- From v2.12, this preset is using the
dependencies for Babel 7+- From v3 this preset is using the proposal plugins directly as Babel 7 dropped the stage presets
$ npm install --save-dev babel-preset-futagozaryuu
Put the following into your .babelrc
"presets": [ "futagozaryuu" ]
or on the CLI
$ babel src --out-dir lib --presets futagozaryuu
You can see the complete list of options in babel-preset-futagozaryuu/lib/config/default-options.js.
"presets": [
[ "futagozaryuu", {
// set root directory for `babel-plugin-module-resolver`
"disableResolver": false,
"root": [ "src" ],
// disable the use of `@babel/preset-stage-*` plugins
// (anything not a number between 0 to 3 is the same)
"stage": 4,
// Target a spefic version of node
// (alternative: `package.json#engines.node`)
"node": 6,
// Blacklisting the var/const transform
"exclude": [ "transform-es2015-block-scoping" ],
// Blacklisting ES Modules transpilation
"modules": false,
// re-enable the use of `regenerator`
"regenerator": true
} ]
When using the option useBuiltIns
with values usage
or entry
, ensure that you:
- Have the
option enabled (by default this is set to{ version: 3, proposals: true }
) - Include the dependencies
in your published package
Adding the following files (and settings) will ensure that VS Code can find your ES6+ files even if you are using babel-plugin-module-resolver to change the root path of your module lookups during transpile.
This is based on a comment in tleunen/babel-plugin-module-resolver#92 by @jgoux.
"path-intellisense.mappings": {
"/": "${workspaceRoot}/src"
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "./",
I have tried to follow semver versioning, but from v2.19 I will follow these rules:
is incremented each time a new major version of Babel is supportedPATCH
is only incremented when- a bug is fixed
- docs are updated between revisions
- dependency updates between revisions
is incremented for all other changesPATCH
is reset whenREVISION
Copyright © 2017+ Futago-za Ryuu,
Released under the MIT License,