iCopy Forum | TELEGRAM GROUP | CHANGELOG | Future Version | TODO
Send commands to Telegram BOT for get a convience way to control fclone resources copy missions.
1.Python 3.6+ is Required
2.Mongodb is Required
3.Pre-install and Configured fclone is Reqired
For Linux directly use this command
bash <(wget -qO- https://git.io/JJYE0)
4.git clone https://github.com/fxxkrlab/iCopy.git && cd iCopy
5.chmod +x iCopy.py
6.pip3 install -r requirements.txt
7.cp config/conf.toml.example config/conf.toml
8. Edit config/conf.toml
python3 iCopy.py
screen -dmS iCopy `which python3` iCopy.py