Extends the native nvim-lsp handlers to allow easier navigation through method overloads.
Neovim plugin to improve the default vim.ui interfaces
Moveable! Draggable! Resizable! Scalable! Rotatable! Warpable! Pinchable! Groupable! Snappable!
Telescope extension to preview media files using Ueberzug.
a lua powered greeter like vim-startify / dashboard-nvim
☁️ Sync your bookmarks privately across browsers and devices
A keyboard shortcut browser extension for keyboard-based navigation and tab operations with an advanced omnibar
Firefox Multi-Account Containers lets you keep parts of your online life separated into color-coded tabs that preserve your privacy. Cookies are separated by container, allowing you to use the web …
A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
vim-snipmate default snippets (Previously snipmate-snippets)
Firefox Add-on that lets you open automatically managed disposable containers
A plugin to visualise and resolve merge conflicts in neovim
A MobX powered state management solution based on data trees with first class support for Typescript, support for snapshots, patches and much more
Git branch name validation tool(welcome to star this project). Git分支名校验工具(如果喜欢请点赞支持).
A tiny tool to run `tsc` on specific files without ignoring tsconfig.json
The end-to-end solution for configuring, refactoring, maintaining and using path aliases
🧠 💪 // Smart and powerful comment plugin for neovim. Supports treesitter, dot repeat, left-right/up-down motions, hooks, and more
🏆 Automate versioning and CHANGELOG generation, with and
Relocate resource intensive third-party scripts off of the main thread and into a web worker. 🎉
💥 Create key bindings that stick. WhichKey helps you remember your Neovim keymaps, by showing available keybindings in a popup as you type.
👻 A cross platform terminal image viewer for Neovim. Extensible and fast, written in Lua and C. Works on macOS and Linux.
Library for building GraphQL queries from fragments. Goes nicely with React.
combine multiple graphql queries or mutations into a single one
Keep buffer dimensions in proportion when terminal window is resized
IndianBoy42 / hop.nvim
Forked from hadronized/hop.nvimNeovim motions on speed!
A generic and modular lua sidebar for Neovim