Here are my version of :
- npm 3.10.3
- node 6.5.0
- npm install in root
- npm install in app
- webpack in app
To launch the sample app : electron app in root
You should add your opentok credential in app/src/js/app.js
var OT_API_KEY = ""; var OT_SESSION_ID = ""; var OT_TOKEN = "";
The main.js just creates the electron window and starts the express server.
As you can see in the app/src/js/app.js, i use the same constraints in both my video element an in OpenTok but in the video element, I get the screen display rather than in OpenTok, i get the user's camera (default one i guess)
As you can see, i use the module rtc-screenshare ( to manage screensharing accross browser and electron.