Spec runner for Vim. Run Rspec and Mocha tests straight from Vim.
Inspired by thoughtbot/vim-rspec and geekjuice/vim-mocha.
A hacked-up marriage between vim-rspec and vim-mocha. Determines whether to run
or Rspec
based on the spec's filetype. Allows for the same mapping to
be used for all tests.
Example: Calling <leader>t
in a Javascript file will call mocha
. The
same mapping can be used in a Coffeescript file and call mocha
with the
Coffeescript compiler. And of course, calling it from a Ruby file will invoke
Only need Mocha? Take a look at vim-mocha!
Using vundle:
Bundle 'geekjuice/vim-spec'
If using zsh on OS X it may be necessary to run move /etc/zshenv
to /etc/zshrc
Using pathogen
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://github.com/geekjuice/vim-spec.git
map <Leader>t :call RunCurrentSpecFile()<CR>
map <Leader>s :call RunNearestSpec()<CR>
map <Leader>l :call RunLastSpec()<CR>
map <Leader>a :call RunAllSpecs()<CR>
Like thoughtbot/vim-rspec, the following variables can be overwritten for custom spec commands:
let g:rspec_command = "!rspec --drb {spec}"
let g:mocha_js_command = "!mocha --recursive --no-colors {spec}"
let g:mocha_coffee_command = "!mocha -b --compilers coffee:coffee-script{spec}"
" Using test runners
let g:rspec_command = "Dispatch zeus rspec {spec}"
let g:mocha_coffee_command = "!cortado {spec}" "See geekjuice/vim-mocha
Default spec command fallbacks to the dominant spec filetype i.e. Ruby, JS, Coffee in the current directory. Future update will look for {spec|test} directories rather than search the whole parent tree
Assertions with no name i.e. no attribute for
in mocha will fail if trying to call nearest testRunNearestSpec
as it depends onit
having a value
vim-spec is released under the MIT License.