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Plugins for RAMP supported by the core developer team.


Local Development

  1. Run npm link path/to/plugins/folder from within your RAMP folder.
  2. When you're done making changes to plugins, run npm run build from within the plugins repo.
  3. Start the RAMP dev server by running npm run serve from within the RAMP repo.

Repeat steps 2 & 3 whenever you've made changes to plugin code, then reload the page.

All plugin samples can be found at http://localhost:6001/samples/plugins while the RAMP dev server is running.

You can unlink at any time npm unlink @fgpv/rv-plugins

Publishing a release

npm version [<newversion> | major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease] will create a version commit and tag then push the tag upstream for publishing to npm.

Build distribution files

npm run build will output all plugins to the dist folder.

RAMP viewer code

Samples and automated testing use the ramp viewer code found in bin/test/ramp.


This project uses the fork and pull model. Once forked, run npm i from the project root directory to setup for first time use.

Running locally

npm run serve will start a dev server. Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:6001.

Example: http://http://localhost:6001/enhancedTable/samples/et-index.html.

Testing locally

npm run test will start a local selenium server and run tests in Chrome.

Writing tests

Tests follow the Page Object Pattern. General page information not related to a plugin can go inside bin/test/ Specific page information for a plugin goes into the page file in the plugins tests directory. Any file in a plugins tests directory that end with a .spec.js will be tested.

The testing framework is Jasmine. Selenium bindings to individual browsers are handled by webdriverio. Currently tests are only executed in Chrome locally, however cloud testing will be more rigorous.

Webdriver: Jasmine: PageObject:

Hosted builds

Commits pushed to your forked repo can be built using and deployed as a GitHub page. For example, commit 5ea8ac3126957a8d2999ea4f9fed209e6080b935 would be deployed to

There are a few steps you'll need to make for this to work:

Steps to get started:

  1. Create a personal access token on GitHub with the repo scope selected.
  2. Sign in to with your GitHub account
  3. Activate travis on your (forked) repo by visiting:
  4. On the travis settings page ( create an environment variable named GITHUB_TOKEN with the value of your GitHub access token.

    travis-ci uses this token to deploy the build back to your forked repo. It is not accessible outside of travis-ci and remains private.


Plugins for the RAMP Viewer ( supported by the core team.






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  • CSS 79.5%
  • JavaScript 10.1%
  • TypeScript 9.4%
  • Other 1.0%