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This project makes use of the following open source projects/ tutorials :


php 7 or higher.

How it works

This standalone theme fetches posts, users and everything from a wordpress site via Wordpress REST API and displays them in an angular app.

How to install

Just download the files and use as a wordpress theme.


This theme additionally comes with all source files and configuration info necessary to develop, modify, and debug the Angular App running within the theme.

Local Server

Just as your Angular App can run with ng serve your WordPress will also need to run on a server. I recommend XAMPP for beginners, though the below should work for any apache server.

XAMPP on Windows

  1. Download your entire WordPress installation and place the files at: C:\Projects\AngularXoMat. If the path does not exist, create the Projects folder first and then AngularXoMat inside. This can be a path anywhere on your machine, inside should be the index.php file and wp-content folder for example. Make sure if you have an .htaccess file that it has been copied as well, sometimes this file is hidden depending on your view settings.

  2. Add a virtual DNS entry for angularxo.local. Otherwise the site must work at the root or sub folder of localhost which can be messy when working on multiple projects. This entry will tell the browser that the data for this domain should come a server on our local machine.

    1. Open notepad as Administrator.
    2. File -> Open -> C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.
    3. On a new line at the bottom add angularxo.local.
    4. Save.
  3. Add a virtual host entry in httpd.conf. This is necessary to point angularxo.local to our local WordPress directory at C:\Projects\AngularXoMat.

    1. Open notepad or your editor of choice.
    2. File -> Open -> C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf.
    3. On a new line at the bottom add the below
    <VirtualHost *:80>
      ServerName angularxo.local
      DocumentRoot "C:\Projects\AngularXoMat"    
      <Directory "C:\Projects\AngularXoMat">
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        AllowOverride all
        Require all granted
    1. Save and restart apache.
  4. Visit http://angularxo.local in your browser. The http:// protocol portion is important as browsers such as Chrome may attempt to search for the unknown domain. Typing the protocol portion forces the browser to load the domain propertly.

Angular CLI

It is possible to use the Angular CLI to build, modify, and add new modules and components. This theme comes with several shortcuts for running the ng serve local development server and ng build with the right arguments that are compatible with WordPress and Xo.

  1. First open a command prompt.

Building with ng build

The easiest method as it makes use of your previously configured server to access your WordPress as normally through http://angularxo.local. This can be accomplished using one of the following commands:

  • npm run build or ng build --deploy-url /wp-content/themes/angular-xo-material/dist/

    • Run a build to the dist folder at /wp-content/themes/angular-xo-material/dist/. This is important as unlike a typical Angular App where the files in the /dist/ folder are deployed to the root of the server these files are actually nested within the theme folder in WordPress.
    • The Angular App will be in debug mode which may emit more verbose information on the console, additional resource map files, and assets and application files will not be minified.
  • npm run deploy or ng build --prod --deploy-url /wp-content/themes/angular-xo-material/dist/

    • The same as npm run deploy except assets and application code are minified with the Angular App configured for production.
  • npm run watch or ng build --watch --deploy-url /wp-content/themes/angular-xo-material/dist/

    • The same as npm run deploy except once the initial compilation is complete the script will be placed into a watch mode for file changes that may trigger recompliation. A refresh of the page is required to see the updated changes.

Building with ng serve

Running with ng serve we need a way to reference our local angularxo.local server from within the live server typically running at localhost:4200. This is made possible by adding an additional build configuration invoked by running the below command:

  • npm run serve or ng serve --configuration local
    • Run ng serve and include the App Config specified in /src/environments/environment.local.ts within the theme folder.

If you run the local WordPress server from a host other than angularxo.local it is required that this be updated in the local environment file at /src/environments/environment.local.ts within the theme folder.


Wordpress theme running on Angular (not angular.js)







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