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@gernest gernest released this 08 Dec 07:46
· 18 commits to master since this release

Release notes for Time (v0.6.0)

This marks another notable release from v0.3.1. For anyone of you who isn't
familiar with what this is all about, time is a time package for the zig
programming language. It offers a clean API to manipulate and display time,
this package also supports time zones.

Notable changes

Print durations in a human format

Duration.string returns a human readable string for the duration.
For instance if you want to print duration of one hour ,four minutes and 10 seconds.

    const hour = Duration.Hour.value;
    const minute = Duration.Minute.value;
    const second = Duration.Second.value;
    var d = Duration.init(hour + minute * 4 + second * 10);
    warn("duration is {} \n", d.string());
duration is 1h4m10s

date manipulations


You can add date value to an existing Time instance to get a new date.

For example

    var local = time.Location.getLocal();
    var ts =;
    var buf = try std.Buffer.init(std.debug.global_allocator, "");
    defer buf.deinit();
    try ts.string(&buf);
    warn("\ncurrent time is {}\n", buf.toSlice());

    // let's add 1 year
    ts = ts.addDate(1, 0, 0);
    try ts.string(&buf);
    warn("this time next year is {}\n", buf.toSlice());
current time is 2018-12-08 10:32:30.000178063 +0300 EATm=+419006.837156719
this time next year is 2019-12-08 10:32:30.000178063 +0300 EAT

Please play with the api, you can add year,month,day. If you want to go back in
time then use negative numbers. From the example above if you want to back one year then
use ts.addDate(-1, 0, 0)

This is just highlight, there are

  • lots of bug fixes
  • cleanups to more idiomatic zig
  • lots of utility time goodies like Time.beginningOfMonth
  • improved documentation
  • lots of tests added
  • ... and so much more

I encourage you to take a look at it so you can experiment for yourself.

All kind of feedback is welcome.
