Casa-gateway is here to connect devices together and get all datas to send it to the Casa server. After all, server send actions to the gateway to control devices. Gateway use a plugins system to control devices. Developed in Golang, it works on arm64 boards (e.g. raspberryPi, nas) and all amd64.
To build with plugins, you need to compile it in plugin mode and build casa-gateway with plugins compiled lib.
sudo env CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc go build -o casa-gateway *.go
go build -o casa-gateway *.go
- You need a launched casa-server to connect our casa-gateway (
- Set env variable 'CASA_SERVER_PORT', check casa-server to set good value (default 4353)
- Init gateway
./casa-gateway init
- Start gateway
./casa-gateway start