The most powerful rollup plugin for javascript-obfuscator.
yarn add --dev rollup-plugin-obfuscator javascript-obfuscator
npm install --save-dev rollup-plugin-obfuscator javascript-obfuscator
- javascript-obfuscator is installed separately from the rollup plugin, so it will always be updatable (unlike the official rollup plugin which has been outdated for years!)
- You can decide if you prefer to apply obfuscation:
- the traditional way, to the whole bundle
- to each file separately, avoiding obfuscating your open-source dependencies, which results in a huge performance boost
import obfuscator from 'rollup-plugin-obfuscator';
export default {
input: 'src/main.js',
plugins: [
options: {
// Your javascript-obfuscator options here
// See what's allowed:
Type: boolean
Default: false
Set to true
if you want to obfuscate the whole bundle, false
to obfuscate each file separately.
Type: Object
Default: {}
Options that will be passed to javascript-obfuscator. See allowed options here.
Type: String | RegExp | Array[...String|RegExp]
Default: ['**/*.js', '**/*.ts']
Which files to obfuscate. This parameter is ignored when global
is true
Type: String | RegExp | Array[...String|RegExp]
Default: ['node_modules/**']
Which files not to obfuscate. This parameter is ignored when global
is true
Type: JavascriptObfuscator
Default: require('javascript-obfuscator')
This plugin uses the version of javascript-obfuscator
you installed alongside with it, but you are free to override it (for example, if you want to use a fork).